8th Ed. Troglodon?

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by Vallek, Aug 6, 2013.

  1. Vallek
    Cold One

    Vallek Member

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    Hey all,

    I just ordered the one-click lizardmen bundle from GW and am wondering if anyone has had any experience using the troglodon yet. I'm curious to see it it performs well or if it is a skunk of a unit to avoid putting it together and making the carnosaur instead.
  2. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    One of the Lizardmen players on Warseer had on put together on this Lizardmen Blog...

    but no Im prety sure only a handfull of people in the world have tried out our new units in combat yet.
  3. Stonecutter

    Stonecutter Member

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    A troglodon is the unfortunate result of Skaven experimentation/tampering with the spawning pool IMO. It combines the abilities of a juvenile carnosaur, razordon & skink acolyte for almost the price of a carnie or baby steg. The end result is "meh" combat with 3 x S5 poisoned attacks, "meh" shooting with a single shot S5, an ability to vassal slaan spells and the potential to get run down by fast cav or panicked since it is only LD 6 and not stubborn/ITP. The only new thing it brings to the table is a one-use only predatory fighter buff on a 5+ vice 6+. Even under perfect circumstances, this might result in an extra 4-6 attacks somewhere in a massive combat, half of which will likely miss. Since it comes out of the rare slot, I think the points would be far better spent on a sharpened horn ancient steg &/or sallies. Finally, I'm not too keen on the model's head as it reminds me of a catfish with all the feelers/whiskers. If you get the kit, definitely build the carnie - you can always put a bag over its head and call it a uglyodon later :D
  4. Sandrockkai

    Sandrockkai Member

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    I rolled some dice with a friend of mine, throwing my Troglodon against a unit of Dryads, with a couple of things in mind. Dryads are skirmishers, so they don't get rank bonuses and, since they are on 25mm bases, only 4 models would be in base contact.

    We rolled the dice and ended up tying combat or I beat him by one or two (thanks to thunderstomp).

    We did the same thing against Treekin and I got crushed.

    If you fancy using one, I'd suggest focusing on the fact that it's a T5 W5 vassal for missiles and direct damage.

    If you want to throw it into combat, do so against skirmishers or warmachines, anything that doesn't get a rank bonus. Avoid cavalry (no thunderstomp) and never fight something with ranks without support.

    I don't think the monster will be a game changer, but it could be fun. Plus it looks wicked cool.
  5. Drmooreflava

    Drmooreflava New Member

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    For the $ price... I think you'd have more fun with a carnosaur.

    The Trog is situational and unreliable in CC. The shooting attack isn't half bad tho.

    The carnosaur has the same survivability, better combat reliability and can be upgraded to have swiftstride. The swiftstride is huge because the faster you can get into combat the less you are getting shot at.

    Now, aside from the choice of what to build with that specific kit. I'd also suggest a steg over a trog because it has better shooting range, upgrades, impact hits, stubborn and T6.

    The ancient steg is quite expensive so idk. It is utility and more relaible in combat than the trog. It has some nice perks but you pay a lot for em.

    Now, the bastilidon is a good choice. I like the solar engine, the ark is good too. Both are useful and cost less $ and pts than the trog.
  6. Animaux

    Animaux Member

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    i played a large game on monday using all of the new units

    the troglodon is proberly the worst of the lot his roar is the only really relevant thing and then only because had 5 units of sarus in combat and with in 12
    i found my skink preists were in better spots (and easyer to get there) for my arcane vassal

    the acid spit hardly ever hits and is moderatly usefull at best

    and in combat his stat line is not that much better than a single kroxigor with out the great weapon

    all of the above mean in larger games he may be ok but not in any thing less than 4k which is a shame because the model is beautiful
  7. Vallek
    Cold One

    Vallek Member

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    Thank you all for this insight.

    I'm sad to hear that of the new Monsters we have gotten that the best looking one (in my opinion) seems to be utter garbage.

    On the plus side, the new look of the carnosaur is wicked awesome and seems to have finally found a place in the army. I'm really glad I didn't build it first and regret it later (like my skaven catapult that saw one game ever).
  8. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Check out this link:

    ´This link´

    For more information and thoughts on the Troglodon.

    The Hunted
  9. ZeTe

    ZeTe Member

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    I like the trogladon but my first kit i built a carnosaur as i read up and most people said build it , i later bought the thunder beast host and used that kit to build the trogladon (i think the model is really nice and i wanted to field one aswell as a carno). i have been lucky with my rolls the few games i have played with one and it has preformed better than i expected. it one shot a high mage that was solo removing his magic phase in my turn 1 getting me an extra phase to my advantage and the one time roar has yet to let me down either considering i field a saurus heavy army most of the time (having extra toughness over my opponents has saved my ass more time than i can count). so gaining a handful of extra attacks against undead , chaos and Helves has helped me win combat res :D great model once you get that hang of it

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