Lots of different threads are popping up discussing the uses of units in the new book. I would like some insight into what people think about new skrox! I play southlands lists (even though GW is hating on the southlands in last 2 books!) so am trying to come up with a good way to use these guys! This is just me being hopeful but can anyone come up with a reading of Spawn-kin in which Skrox hordes gain a rank of attacks behind the first row of krox? "Whenever you are required to work out the mixed unit's frontage or ranks (and therefore supporting attacks and rank bonus) count as if the footprint of the entire mixed unit was filled with skinks." Also am i correct to think skink characters touching a krox are untargetable (other than by challenge) until krox are dead? Thanks.
As I read the rule today, yes. However, I expect this to be changed when the FAQ is released because that is unprecedented protection for characters in the front rank. I expect the word "only" to be removed from the rule allowing you to target Krox in combat, which would then give opponents a choice of what model to attack.
That line in the rule book is only telling you the situation in which you can attack a krox. It does not say "when you are able to attack a krox you must attack a krox."
Actually it does. Except for Stomps, Skinks cannot be targeted in close combat at all, only the Krox. It is a complete reversal of how they worked in 7th edition. The front rank of a Skrox unit is now the safest place to place skink priests and chiefs.
This again? I thought this was cleared up over the weekend. You can not t ONLY attack the Kroxigor. You can attack any model that you are in base contact with as per the main rules. That rule simply clarifies that you can "only attack the Kroxigor" when you are in base contact with a skink in base contact with a Kroxigor. The "only " part only makes sense if you take it out of context and ignore the main rules. Similar to PF in that regard.
Whoa, not everybody speaks english as their 1st language. So the fact that some people get confused isn't anyone's fault IMO. Also, when in doubt: ask. Even if it might be crystal clear, people should be able to ask away. The Hunted
This rule is less clear than PF. It is fairly subject to either interpretation, and will be subject to FAQ. The phrase "close combat attacks can only target Kroxigor within in a mixed unit if [conditions met]" can be read two ways. The word "only" can either refer to the conditions--i.e., these are the only conditions under which Kroxigor can be attacked (and there is no restriction on the ability to choose to atatck something else--OR the word "only" can serve as a restriction on what can happen if the conditions are met--i.e., if the conditions are met, the models can only attack Krox. "asic English" does not favor one interpretation over the other. People with a good knowledge of the language know that language can often be inexact, and this is a good example. Think a little bit before condemning the intelligence of others and the adequacy of their education. The failure here is in the writing--the writer and editor should have recognized the ambiguity and written the rule differently. It would have been far more clear to say either: "If an enemy model is either in base contact with a Kroxigor in a mixed unit or in base contact with a Skink who is in turn in base contact with a Kroxigor, then the enemy model may elect to attack Kroxigor or Skinks." OR "If an enemy model is either in base contact with a Kroxigor in a mixed unit or in base contact with a Skink who is in turn in base contact with a Kroxigor, then the enemy model must attack Kroxigor." Regardless, I like the idea of a unit of 16 skinks with command, Poison, 2 Krox, and a Chief with the Egg of Quango in there. Run it near your Saurus to mitigate Predatory Fighter Overruns and pack a surprising amount of punch.
I understand that. Sorry for being mean. I just get really frustrated when people do not know how to read a sentence properly.
In order for it to mean that you are only allowed to krox then there would need to be another statement stating the conditions in which a krox can be targeted. Since there is only one statement it can only apply to the conditions in which a krox can be targeted.
Not true. A statement of conditions under which a Krox MUST be targeted is by necessity also a statement establishing conditions in which a Krox CAN be targeted.
I don't have a degree in English or anything but I've read the rule a few times and I completely agree that it is poorly worded. IMO either interpretation of the rule's meaning is correct. Personally, I believe the rule is intended to say the necessary conditions for you to be to attack Krox, not that you are required to attack only them. It requires a FAQ resolution so that it can be consistently applied.
I agree with Dyvim Tar and the hunted, this is poorly worded and needs an FAQ. It can be read either way.
The rule is poorly written but I believe it means the Krox or Skinks may be targeted. I did get my hopes up the first time I read it though - it would make Skrox units so much better.
Of all the rules in the book I can't quite believe this is the one people are reading both ways. If I close my eyes and really really squint, I can see how people are saying you can only attack kroxigor. But no, just no. the rules says you can only attack the Krox if there is one rank of skinks between you and them, You can still attack the skinks because you are in B2B with them, as per the BRB, otherwise the rules would say you HAVE to attack the krox unless there are two ranks of skinks, As it stands you can choose to attack the Krox ONLY if there is one rank of skinks,
ugh It seems brutally clear on the intention. Why would there even be a rule preventing attacks on the skinks. It doesn't really make any sense logically.
It's the difference between saying: you CAN ONLY do this IF this applies and You CAN do this ONLY IF this applies The first is what we have, you CAN ONLY (attack a krox) IF (base to base with skink who's in base to base with krox, etc). Meaning IF (base to base stuff) you CAN ONLY (attack a Krox). If It was the second; you CAN (attack a krox) ONLY IF (base to base stuff), it would be much more clear. this is also what they intended I believe.
Seems pretty clear to me. If it's not clear, try putting emphasis on the word "if" within the sentence and that will help.
If the rule was intended to be permissive rather than restrictive, there would be no need for the word only. "[C]lose combat attacks can target Kroxigor within a mixed unit if an enemy model is either in base contact with a Kroxigor, or ... with a Skink who is in turn in base contact with a Kroxigor." If that were the rule, it would simply be permissive, allowing attacks that normally wouldn't be allowed. But that's not the rule. The rule is: "[C]lose combat attacks can only target Kroxigor within a mixed unit if an enemy model is either in base contact with a Kroxigor, or ... with a Skink who is in turn in base contact with a Kroxigor." See how that changes the meaning?