Hi everyone... New member here!-first post..... With the new book-I can't wait to get back into my lizzies! I played my first game today and fought claw and bite to a draw against the new Chaos Mortals list- darn st6 warriors-grrrrrrrr As i look over my list for a few tweaks, I am wondering how exactly The Amulet of Itzel works. Lets say my hero gets "hit" with 3 wounding strikes by a chaos lord. My armor save stops 1- now its time for the amulet. What happens? Is it 1.I roll a 2+ and ignore the wound but then lose the amulet,,,? Allowing the second hit to cause 1 wound...or 2. something else..Thanks for your help on this. Steve
I don't have my book with me but i'm pretty sure you roll a 2+ for the first wound, and take the second one. The whole rolling all the dice at once is just for speed and is abstracted from special rules like the amulet of itzl
first time you pass a test with it bye bye amulet it basically gives you and extra wound as long as you don't roll an obscene amount of one's
As I see it, the amulet gives you a 5 out of 6 chance to avoid the first wound, but if you roll a 1, the item is wasted.
Also it's worth a little more than an extra wound on the profile. Say you're hit by a cannon... saves are done before the wound multiplies! Though most characters will be in units and get LOS anyway.