8th Ed. What has worked for you so far?

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by CookieGuy, Aug 7, 2013.

  1. Chunk

    Chunk Member

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    I tried to do exactly that, threw 2 dice at tempest and promptly miscast, then Lord Xilibotl was sucked into the realm of chaos :p. But still, our lore attribute is damn handy, since we can effectively replace the dud spells with better ones elsewhere *cough*Wyssan's Wildform*cough*
  2. lbisson
    Cold One

    lbisson New Member

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    Got two games in today at 1500 vs Dwarves.

    Tetto'Eko rocks! Love this guy!
    Rippers and Sallies were great fun too.

    Troglodon...not so much. Maybe too low a point level for him? I may try him again since he looks so cool and I actually painted him up already. Hard to justify the points when I can get more Sallies in there.
  3. JamJar
    Temple Guard

    JamJar Well-Known Member

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    A week ago I had a 3000pt game against Empire (I'm still waiting on his army list to check he wasn't accidently cheating too much, and maybe post the battle report)
    He loves his war machines so I decided to throw lots of monsters in to overwhelm overwhelm him - and try out the new monsters

    Here's how it went:
    I did forget quite a few things during the game though

    Tetto'eko is awesome - I got 3 units with vangaurd (my opponent then announced he had scouts after I declared who was vanguard, but I let that one slide) I also forgot Herald of cosmic event

    I had the worst magic phases, opponent had Balthazar! :(
    I was rolling double 1's for power dice and he was rolling double 6's and channelling heaps along with 2 magical chariot thingys - I actually got 1 spell off - the comet!!!

    my slann with HM and his TG did nothing and got wiped out my a rediculously buffed up horde & detachment troops

    scar vet on carnosaur missed every single hit in combat and lost the carnosaur

    the troglodon never chanelled, spat at the hellblaster and missed, then charged the rear of some detachment troops, then ran off the board after combat res

    salamanders took out a horde of men, then got flanked

    the bastiladon was really good for its points! - my swarms where too far away to regen more swarms and died

    a lovely swarm took out a hellblaster :D

    EOTG was good with its wardsave, but got taken out by a cannon

    ALL IN ALL I should have taken:
    a load of flyers
    a lot of skinks with javelins maybe
    things to add power dice
    and buy some lucky dice

    I think I should tell hime to read the rule book again because he had characters is every unit :rolleyes:
  4. Andrinor

    Andrinor Member

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    Had a 2k game today against Daemons of Chaos.

    Rocked face. I put Savage Beast of Horros on him and he showed a Herald of Nurgle and a Daemon Prince the cost of blindly entering the Lustrian jungle. He was good before but now I see myself running him regularly because he is priced right.

    Skink Priests:
    Wyssan's Wildform is so good.

    Shot the crap out of a unit of Plaguebearers. Losing march and shoot hurts but I still was able to use the salamander effectively and he more than earned his points.

    I didn't roll well with them but they lost out to Plague Drones after a couple of rounds of combat. In hind sight, I probably should have picked a better target. A glass hammer in every sense but they are like a time bomb on the table and often something your opponent will be forced to deal with.

    It is hard for me to argue against taking one of these guys. He is somewhat hard to kill with his good armor save but the bound spell on the Solar Engine and the +1 to Init is awesome for points. I'm curious to try out the Ark in another game.

    Jungle Swarms:
    A unit of 2 bases being just 70 points is great on these guys. My opponents hate poison so much that I honestly think they will focus on them rather than shooting at the other stuff in my army - which is fine too. In larger games I think I'll take 2 units.
  5. Smexygor
    Chameleon Skink

    Smexygor New Member

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    Against OnG:

    Rippers kill characters without ward saves (or just damn lucky rolls).

    Skinks are still skinks, but javs better.

    Salamanders still kill goblins.

    High magic has some good spells with versatile uses. The rest can kill some stuff and pick another spell.

    Remember to reroll first dispel if you pay the damn points.

    New TG are better due to low cost and slann bailing when it looks bad.
  6. Dr. Cheesesteak
    Jungle Swarm

    Dr. Cheesesteak New Member

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    you have a rough recollection of what his list was? As an Empire player, I could check.
  7. JamJar
    Temple Guard

    JamJar Well-Known Member

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    @ Dr. Cheesesteak,

    I'll get the army list one day, but i was something like this:
    (I didn't question him on EVERYTHING he did, since he hasn't been playing as long as i have; he tends to tell me about good things about his army haha)

    balthazar gult (apparently he has lvl 6 casting or something)

    witch hunter

    lvl 4 wizard - Vulkmar the Grim (General) casted bound spells on terror horde & detatchments

    Celestial hurricane chariot thing

    monster hunter in skirmish unit of 10 so that counts to heroes choice?

    2 master engineers

    40 malitia and 2 detatch troopss of 20 each

    40 swordsmen? with terror banner (BSB?) and w/ 2 detatch troops of 20 each

    2 hell blasters

    2 cannons

    - that may have been it, that's what i remember from that traumatising game
    I kept asking if it made the requirements for the game, he said yes
    Do warmachines count as the MIN 3 units for an army? and detatchments because he had 2 SpecCharact and a heeaap of heroes in pretty much every unit

    He tends to get very serious, and I chose the wrong units for him so I could try the new units :D

    Can't believe he got re-roll hits and wounds, and 5+ ward on the terror horde
  8. Chunk

    Chunk Member

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    I have a quick question:

    If we cast Wyssan's Wildform on a unit of Cold One Riders, do both the Saurus riders and the Cold Ones get +1 str and +1 toughness? I looked through the rulebook FAQ but couldn't find anything to say they didn't, and the spell does say "the target unit gains..."

    The only reason why i thought it might be an issue is because typically mounts are not affected by certain special rules, like Frenzy for example.
  9. Caneghem

    Caneghem New Member

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    Yes, the Cold Ones become strength 5 as well! The toughness doesn't matter, because you use the rider's toughness (which is also a 5). The unit itself is the target.
  10. Divinor
    Cold One

    Divinor Member

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    Great thread with lots of useful information.

    I got in 4 games this weekend with my 2500 list. I played WoC, High Elves, Wood Elves and Brettonians. I beat everything but the WoC. I'll try and write up some reports on the games.

    My List:


    Old Blood - 1+ / 4++, Str 6, Stubborn, Cold One
    This guy was a beast. He'd hold up a unit and dish out damage while doing it. PF was nice on him.


    Scar Vet BSB - 1+ rerollable, OTS, GW, 2++ vs flaming, Cold One
    Also pumped out some damage while shrugging of most everything else. The Other Trickster's Shard was a bad idea, my cold ones would die really fast and then I was rerolling wards on my lord!

    2 Skink Priests - Both beasts, one with scroll and other with cube.
    Beast was as expected, nothing super awesome but helpful. Amber Spear did kill a Frost Phoenix in one shot though and that was awesome!


    30 Saurus, FC, HW & Sh
    Awesome unit. Held up stuff, with PF they beat up stuff. Yeap.

    3 x 10 Skinks with javs
    Javs are the way to go. 5+ armor is nice.

    11 Cohorts with Mus
    In my first game against WoC one of my skirmishers (and priest) fled off the board turn 2 because they couldn't rally. I put these in here because of that.


    5 Cham Skinks
    Same old dudes.

    3 Terradons
    Awesome as always. Having that fly move to block a charger is great. Drop rocks is still great.

    7 Cold One Cav, Champ
    These guys did a good job of sacrificing themselves so that my characters could go beat up people. They died in every game but are cheap enough that it didn't really bother me.

    6 Krox
    AWESOME. Str 7 is great with PF. Killed tons of knights, chased fast wood elves, and almost killed a demon prince.

    Bastiladon - Laser Beam
    That MM is pretty awesome. Almost always went off on 1 PD and can do a ton of damage. Great for clearing chaff.


    Unimpressed with this guy. This was a fast list and he had trouble keeping up while using his breath. Might consider dropping him.

    Ancient with Horns
    The ancient did what he normally does. Draws a ton of fire and typically dies. Might consider swapping him out for more Krox!
  11. Myster2

    Myster2 New Member

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    I utterly devastated a high elf player with the following list

    Slann - channeling staff, 3 dice channel, keep dice.

    4 Saurus scar vets, 2 cowboys 2 in saurus units. (one is the bsb).

    2 skink priets (one with cube one with dispel scroll).

    55 saurus, group of 30 and group of 25.

    2 Ancient stegs

    2 Bastiladons

    3 Terradons

    6 Chameleons

    2 Salamanders.

    The list is hero heavy and barely fits in the 700 pt allotment for 2800 points. I found

    1) I couldn't find a good use for the bastiladons. I want to try this again later though.
    2) The anceint stegs are awesome. I must be one of the few people out there that shoots with them and lets my opponent come to me. The 18" range change is amazing.
    3) PF is very strong. Especially with a saurus heavy list.
  12. CookieGuy

    CookieGuy New Member

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    I think that the trouble with your Bastiladons is that they can't do much buff-wise by themselves. If you had Focus of Mystery or Wandering Deliberations, then you'd be able to further increase the effectiveness of the +1In by D3 with Hand of God Or Mystifying Miasma to strike first frequently. I don't ever see myself taking a Bastiladon without one of those two spells. And 2 might be too many as well, but that's definitely open for debate.

    Just some food for thought.
  13. Smexygor
    Chameleon Skink

    Smexygor New Member

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    One of those situations where no matter how much initiative you pump, high elves go first. Maybe skinks could stop their rerolls though. Either way, bound spell can delete some of their chaff easily, but with Book of Hoeth they can reroll a dispel die and that won't let your bound spell go through a huge part of the time.

    Edit: in thinking, Bastiladon could hold up their spear unit or hit their silver helms and their S3 won't be getting through. Even kill a few with stomps and occasional S10. Might even be a good flank charge into dragon princes, any kills in that unit and Bastiladon is making himself über useful

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