8th Ed. Skrox Units in new book

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Nakki, Aug 7, 2013.

  1. William 87m
    Jungle Swarm

    William 87m New Member

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    If the Krox were front rank, there would be no Stomp/Thunderstom option.

    I believe this is so that when facing a Fear unit they need not take a Fear test and also when receiving a charge from a Terror causing model, they need not test to make a Flee reaction.

    It's too bad that the wording of this unit's function is so vague. My roommate and I have come to the consensus that the intended purpose of the rule is to clarify with what models your opponent can attack the Krox. We'll be playing accordingly until/if the FAQ addresses the issue.

  2. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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    I second this motion! I bought 3 Kroxys a while back, and would like to make use of them in Skrox unit.
  3. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Seriously guys, we just went back to 7th edition Kroxigor under 7th edition rules (Pre 8th edition FAQ).
    It was realy the 8th edition FAQ that made them so powerfull.
  4. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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    I didn't play Warhammer in 7th edition! I want my Skrox to be powerful!
  5. gewaltatron

    gewaltatron New Member

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    Hi everyone,

    although it might be closed at this point, but maybe i can give my thoughts on the issue of ´only´ attacking kroxigors:

    Being German I do own a German version of the Lizardmen army book and in the German version (our language is a little bit more complicated but yet very... clear/instructive ;) ) it clearly says that if you want to attack a kroxigor, you can ONLY do so if you are in contact with a skink which is in contact with a kroxigor... So you can of course attack characters or what ever it is in the first rank!

    Now I have a question regarding the unit type: As stated before, in the previous book the skrox unit was unique and thereby immune against stomping and against evil stuff like this god damned 13th spell of the Skaven, since this can only target infantry. How does this work now? Surely they are not infantry since they have monstr. inf. among there models...?!?!

    This caries over to the second question, the Slann now has the rule which states that even though he is of unit type infantry he never counts ´as on foot´. Is he still effected then? I sensed that the common sense was that he was not able to be stomped , so I would guess this spell would also not work against him?!
  6. novatomato

    novatomato Member

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    The way I see it, Skrox and Krox are there for charging things that need to charge; namely heavy cavalry and chariots (and Stegadons as well I suppose). They are quick enough with M6 to be able to threaten these guys and will be able to at least hold the unit up with steadfast if not actually win combat outright.

    This would require a unit with 3 skrox, so 24 skinks. Give them a banner for the Blood and Glory scenario, a musician because Swift Reforms are very handy. Champs are a hindrance to this as they will get mulched in challenges by anything except maybe goblins and gnoblars and those are not what we want to charge with this unit.

    Just my thoughts on the matter.
  7. Caneghem

    Caneghem New Member

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    I think skrox might also benefit from a skink chief or two in the front rank. A chief with a sword of might and an egg of quango could really help deter chargers...

    So imagine the enemy charges in with heavy cav or something nasty that will try to kill off your krox before they can strike. The Egg can be used before any other attacks except impact hits, which shouldn't matter much anyway since they can't hit your character and only 1/3 will hit kroxigors. So the chief will be able to pop the Egg first and then get his attacks off first (usually, with his I6). Now the normal skinks probably attack, and do nothing. Next what's left of the charging enemy has to choose. They can put attacks on the squishy chief, and be pretty sure to kill him but then the kroxigors get their full attacks back. This makes you smile, because now you know your kroxigors will live to do their work. Or, they can still go all out trying to kill krox, leaving your chief to continue his strength 5 attacks next round. This would work well in a Beasts flavored list, where you could pop either a Savage Beast of Horros on the chief or a nice Wyssan's on the unit.
  8. Nakki

    Nakki Member

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    Hurrah! The great mystery is solved, thank you gewaltatron!

    Regarding you question i can't say I can give you an answer definitively but I can give you my take from the reading and maybe someone else can give an answer with some substantial backing! I believe both the skrox and slann mixed units now count as "infantry" meaning they are vulnerable to all abilities that affect infantry including stomps and dreaded 13th. I don't have the book with me right now but (I will give you the quote when i get home) but I am pretty sure the Slann section says that you count his troop type as infantry so long as he is in the unit (which scary enough leads me to believed technically he would be affected by dreaded 13th!!!! X_X). However in the the Skrox unit section it says that only skinks are ever affected by stomps which (this is only an interpretation) leads me to believe the kroxigors are meant to be their own separate entity not classified as infantry themselves and would therefore not be affected by a spell which targets infantry.

    Therefore, as i wrote that out about as confusingly as I could (I have been translating Latin all day and it kind of breaks my English), I would guess a spell like dreaded 13th would affect all skinks in the unit but not the kroxigors and similarly not a Slann.

    I further believe this because if a Slann was ever turned into a skaven clanrat the Old Ones would probably return across the galaxy to make fun of him and all of our beloved Lizardmen's problems would be solved.
  9. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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    I don't know the wording of the Dreaded 13th spell, but if it affects infantry, then Slann is vulnerable to it, Old Ones coming to mock him or not. If it affects models on foot only, then he is safe. Same goes for stomps. Even though the Slann is not on foot, he is still infantry and the Stomp rule clearly states that it affects infantry and makes no mention of them being on foot or not. As Slann is not on foot, he cannot take the Arabyan Carpet either (*sob sob*). The thing with Skrox unit and stomps is a bit more difficult. In the old edition, it was FAQed that the Skrox is a mixed unit and thus cannot be stomped. The new army book refers to the combination of Skinks and Kroxigors as being a mixed unit doesn't really clearly state that this is their unit type.

    From Lizardmen Army Book, p. 38:

    It doesn't say "If any Kroxigor join a Skink Cohort this way, change their unit type to Unique" or anything. So as it is now, the unit is Infantry and can be stomped and turned into rats. FAQ, where art thou?

    And translating Latin? That's really cool!
  10. JamJar
    Temple Guard

    JamJar Well-Known Member

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    Ah ok so now I got it
    So fear tests are taken at the bginning of each combat
    Say if there is a horde of skinks, that has 1 kroxigor in the middle

    In combat there are some Empire spearmen at the front and the flank

    The front spearmen take a fear test because there are b2b w/ the skink b2b w/ the kroxigor

    But the flanking spearmen dont because they are b2b w/ a skink who is b2b w/ another skink (they cant really see the kroxigor)
  11. Nakki

    Nakki Member

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    Sadly your right on the Slann =/ "Additionally, while they have the troop type Infantry, they are never considered to be 'models on foot' for the purposes of spells, magic items and special rules."
    So if the spell reads that it affects infantry....sad face......if it affects models on foot we are safe like Caprasauridae said.

    The other relevant quote is the one Capra gave. However there is nothing to imply the Kroxigors should be treated as infantry. In the back of the book where the Skink Cohort unit they are considered Monsterous Infantry unlike Slann which is listed as Infantry. The Krox should therefore be immune to the effects of any spell or ability which reads that it affects infantry, however the skinks are not..... So yet there in comes the confusion. For now I would take it as anything which can only affect an infantry unit only hits the skinks (so only roll hits for the skinks). If there was a hex spell along these lines i would say the debuff only affects the skinks, but i can see where this quickly becomes murky and needs an FAQ.

    Also for stomps Spawn kin says :

    "Stomps and Thunderstomps are always resolved against the Skinks (if all Skinks are slain, any excess hits are lost)."

    Meaning krox can never be stomped. So if you have 1 krox and 1 skink left Vs. 3 MI at most 2 of them can make stomp attacks (and if both were to wound only 1 of the wounds we be applied).

    And after Latin I will be working on my High Saurian!!!! Which is a sticky in the fluff thread which everyone should go read

    P.S. also go write stuff about the Southlands on the fluff board because they are where all the cool Lizardmen hang out!

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