Heh i have started Lizardmen 6 months ago with a friends army and just about 2 month ago started building my army.already 24 skinks and 8 coldones painted. my friends asking if i had any idea that new army book will come up (definately no idea) but neverthless still here, suffering from 8th edition but still here. First post on this forum and did i said hi?
Don't hesitate to share your painting experiences and triumphs in the painting and modelling sub-forum. It is fun to see the progress of others and to get feedback and tips to improve your painting skills.
Welcome. We have very talented painters and sculptors here on the modeling forum and we have a great Tactics forum. I help maintain our index of subject Tacticas which will help you on a wide variety of subjects (it's linked in my signature.) For an excellent general overview I'd recommend Cangeheim's Review. http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/caneghems-review-of-the-lizardmen.12415/ Our fluff subforum is great. With great stories written by many. Look up Spawning of Bob's posts for hilarious comics.