Please, Allow me to (re)introduce myself

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by novatomato, Aug 11, 2013.

  1. novatomato

    novatomato Member

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    Well Lustria-Online, it has been quite some time. I think maybe the last time I contributed to the site was at the turn of 8th.
    Some of you may just possibly remember me, more than likely you don't, but I always harboured a fondness for this place. Lustria-Online helped me baby step my way into this hobby and had just been an all round inspiration to the tactical and creative mind.

    But happiness and bliss were not always destined to be. I became complacent, confident and just generally bored with the gaming aspect. I won far more than my fair share of games, even using handicaps and the so called "poor" options I valiantly slaughtered my way through the warhammer world in the name of the Old Ones. In the end I wearied of the lack of challenge and needed a break.
    I started up a filthy rat-man army, even before the start of 8th I began the development of the army but fortuitously the Island of Blood set came out and that had made things clear, I would no longer sing the praises of the lost gods but would subtly plot and manipulate my way to my own glory. With this new challenge I had invigorated myself, taking up the mantle of a Skaven Warlord I wrecked havoc from the underempire.

    My ambition could not be contained however and once again I sought new conquests. Seeing in the greenskins a similar mind I joined forces with them and began to prove who was the biggest and the baddest. Yet, despite my triumphs I could not find peace of mind. It was a new challenge with these green monsters but it was not enough. My prowess was driving my enjoyment of the game away again but I persisted, accumulating a vast array of pure malice for my table top.
    Sadly at this point I was forced to stop the game all together, those chums I kept bashing away at with near impunity (and trust me I am no power gamer so it wasn't the fact I was cheesing out that gave me victory), had moved on to travel the space ways.

    40k just wasn't all that fun for me, I like a lot of it but . . . . eh.

    So I found a new gaming group but the majority of them were complete bum-cakes and, despite my continued success at the game even with what this group called "Stupid worthless units" the "tactical discussions" that happened in this group always seemed made to try and make me seem like a stupid and incompetent general.

    So I switched armies again. I took up the Tomb Kings and . . . . . well kind of stopped playing. I played several proxy games with my Tomb Kings, but I just lost interest thanks to this new gaming group.

    Now I have found a new gaming group that seems a lot more like minded and less of the old anal-leakages, I found myself drawn back to my old and first warhammer love. With the new book I have a new challenge and with a new much more respectful group, that plays both to win but mostly for fun, I have the desire to jump back in again so.

    Hi again everybody.
  2. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    While winning is indeed a goal on the tabletop, one needs to keep in mind that it is still a game and is intended to rouse joy and inspiration. Malice and complacency are unfortunate byproducts in some cases.

    Welcome back! Looking forward to your tactical input.

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