Hey there, just joined up and wanted to introduce myself - the name's Chris. I've been playing The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings for many years now and have just recently gotten into Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000 as well. Decided to start off Fantasy with Lizardmen - just in time for an update it seems! Nice to meet you all! ^_^
Wow, I think this the first time I've actually met someone (well, as far as this is 'meeting' someone) who plays LOTR/Hobbit! I quite like some of the models, but I've never been enthused to stray into it. Welcome to Lustira and yes, great timing!
Thank you very much! Yeah, I find that the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings players are few and far between. Looking forward to the considerably larger fan base that Fantasy has to offer.
Welcome. We have very talented painters and sculptors here on the modeling forum and we have a great Tactics forum. I help maintain our index of subject Tacticas which will help you on a wide variety of subjects (it's linked in my signature.) For an excellent general overview I'd recommend Cangeheim's Review. http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/caneghems-review-of-the-lizardmen.12415/ Our fluff subforum is great. With great stories written by many. Look up Spawning of Bob's posts for hilarious comics.