Hi everyone! Im am Avalon101. I've been playing the hobby for over a decade now (on and off). I am a long term wood elf player, but a few months ago I thought Id try something new. I turned to lizardmen because they are allied with the forces or order, and seem hard as nails. Wanted big blocks of dinosaurs instead of little units of weak elves. I had some success with the old book, playing 2k games. Im looking to expand my forces to 2.5k and get some more monsters! Thanks for reading. Avalon
welcome to the forum. Having played Wood Elves you'll have an excellent grasp of a lot of Lizardmen units.
Welcome. We actually have a healthy mix of hard as nails units and squishy units. We have very talented painters and sculptors here on the modeling forum and we have a great Tactics forum. I help maintain our index of subject Tacticas which will help you on a wide variety of subjects (it's linked in my signature.) For an excellent general overview I'd recommend Cangeheim's Review. http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/caneghems-review-of-the-lizardmen.12415/ Our fluff subforum is great. With great stories written by many. Look up Spawning of Bob's posts for hilarious comics.