Hi guys, I am Ian, I am new to Lizardmen, always been a fan of dinosaurs. When I started warhammer I chose Skaven, generally because they were my favourate race to read about in the black library. However I will be honest, I had not come across any Lizardmen in the books at the time. Anyhew, I have got my Skaven up to 7000pts and feel it's time to diversify. As such I went for my second choice...and here I am. I think the Lizardmen have some of the best looking models, particularly because they are so brightly coloured....and additionally Orange can be used as a skin colour!!!!! As you will all have imagined, the new models were one of the reasons I decided to do this....they are awesome. My aim is to go for a monster army, I have a horde army and want something to be a vast comparison...large monsters and small units of real hard infantry really sounds great. If anyone has any ideas or thoughts then I'd love to hear from you. I'm not experienced with Lizardmen, in fact I've never even played against them so I could do with all the advice I can get in regards to useing the army or units I must or must not have. So Hi all.....contact me if you'd like.
Welcome to the Jungle! I hope you have a good time here. But I'm sure you'll have, we have everything from master tacticians, to great artist and even a local bard singing!* The Hunted *: One of these might be a lustrian myth...
Welcome. We have very talented painters and sculptors here on the modeling forum and we have a great Tactics forum. I help maintain our index of subject Tacticas which will help you on a wide variety of subjects (it's linked in my signature.) For an excellent general overview I'd recommend Cangeheim's Review. http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/caneghems-review-of-the-lizardmen.12415/ Our fluff subforum is great. With great stories written by many. Look up Spawning of Bob's posts for hilarious comics.