8th Ed. Are big units of Skroxigor no longer viable?

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Scalenex, Aug 20, 2013.

  1. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    In the last book I used Skroxigor in two ways. I used small units for flanking support (M6 lets them hit the flank while the M4 hit the front) and I used large units to bog down and then wear down enemy elites (the high Strength high WS attacks are wasted on Skinks).

    Now a unit of knights can charge in and target the Kroxigor taking out most of them and eliminating the can opener threat. A monster has an even easier time of removing the Kroxigor. At the same time, Kroxigor as a stand alone unit have gotten undeniably better. PF for the front rank, S5 Stomps, cheaper champion. The main niche of larger Skroxigor blocks seems co-opted by Kroxigor.

    With free javelins and shields for Skink Skirmishers and free spears and PF for Saurus I generally have no problems filling my Core without Skrox so the Core/Special distinction matters little.

    Can anyone convince me otherwise?
  2. Dreyer
    Cold One

    Dreyer New Member

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    Re: Are big units of Skroxigor no longer viable

    skrox just plain suck now. not much more to say.
  3. sirkently
    Cold One

    sirkently Member

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    Re: Are big units of Skroxigor no longer viable

    I would love to convince you to use them. First though, I would have to convince myself. Don't think that is happening any time soon.
  4. arcabis

    arcabis Member

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    Re: Are big units of Skroxigor no longer viable

    i really don't know i think is a good unit i will try to use it for flank support for the saurus and i will put near the EoTg so the krox will get the 6+ ward save and all is good :D
  5. Dyvim Tvar

    Dyvim Tvar New Member

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    Re: Are big units of Skroxigor no longer viable

    I agree that a large unit seems to has less utility than before because of the ability to target the Krox. I still think that Skrox are a viable unit, but that they are better off as small units. With Wildform cast on them they can make a pretty good an unexpected hammer, and their speed lets them get where they need to go. But yeah, I think there are fast-diminishing returns for large units.
  6. Pulstar

    Pulstar New Member

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    Re: Are big units of Skroxigor no longer viable

    Why does it have to be either or?

    Core points are core points. You have to spend them, and spending them on STR 7 attacks is something that no one else in the game can do.

    Special points are special points. Spending them on a Kroxigor unit is a good buy because it, once again, gives you even more Str 7 attacks.

    The real debate would be the Skroxigor vs warriors for where to spend you core points. 25 SW = 24 Sk + 3 Krox for the most part. Warriors would be better anvils but Skroxigor is faster and has a very small stand and shoot.

    If speed is the thing you need to delver your core ranks, the the Skroxigor win.

    No one wants small unit with S7 attacks in the flank. they would like a big unit with S7 attacks even less. LM even have a durable stubborn monster they can use to hold up a unit for a flank charge.
  7. T`hinker`er

    T`hinker`er Active Member

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    Re: Are big units of Skroxigor no longer viable

    Large units of Skrox used to be a mainstay of my army - and when I say large I mean 3 krox that couldn't be hit in combat and 24 skinks with full command. I could never justify spending more points than that on a core unit - going wider killed the maneuverability of the Skrox (which was one of the reasons you took it) and more skinks weren't really necessary unless I had points left to spare after buying everything else I needed (terradons, chameleons, spears for the Saurus, extra handlers for the Sallies, etc.)

    These days I think the sole GOOD use for a skrox unit will be the "Skrox dart" (the Lizardman version of the Skaven "rat dart") - something I intend to try on my flanks, just to mess with fast cavalry, protect my Salamanders, block and redirect stuff, flee and reform (the bonus to Ld is useful), and occasionally add a couple Str & attacks on the flank of an ongoing combat where I don't have a Steg or CoC on hand to fill that role.

    Mind you, as a dart unit, it would have no rank bonus, but it could work against fast cav or even small missile units or chaff. Thoughts?
  8. GCPD

    GCPD Active Member

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    Re: Are big units of Skroxigor no longer viable

    I don't know, it'd be an expensive dart (100 points), and you still have the problem that you're relying on the Kroxigor surviving combat to attack.

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