8th Ed. LZ VS TK @1K

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by hado75, Aug 20, 2013.

  1. hado75

    hado75 New Member

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    Meeting engagement.

    Rolling for reserves:
    Lizzies: only one skink cohort
    TK: 1 scorpion, hierophant and 1 unit carrions

    Tk brought:
    Prince, GW
    37 archers, FC
    Tomb Scorpion
    Tomb Scorpion
    3 Carrion
    3 Carrion

    Lizzies brought:
    Old Blood on CO
    Scar-Vet on CO
    Priest (heavens)
    24 SW hw/shield
    2x 10 skink cohort
    2 x 1 Sallie

    Lizzies: Ice shards
    TK: Dessication and cursed blades

    Lizzies had to deploy First.
    I decided to split my characters. On the right side i placed my Old Blood on Cold one with the 2 Sallies and more in the centre i placed my Scar-Vet on Cold one with the Skink cohort in front of him and the unit of SW on his left side.

    TK: My friend deployed everything within the upperleft corner. A large Block of archers in front of the sphinx with one unit of carrions and the Scorpion in front of that Block.


    Turn 1
    The one skink cohort enteres the table on the right side and marches forward. The rest of the army also Marches forward. Magic is not important and the are out off range for my javs.


    TK: The carrion unit enters play on the left side of my SW block. The scorpion enters play on the right side of my Old Blood.
    Magic: The hierophant throws a hex (-1 str. -1 T on my sallie) with three dice rolling a 5 - 6 – 6 Making it IF. Rolling on the miscast table: Snake eyes! o_O As a result the hierophant is sucked in the warp, killing 7 archers and wounding one carrions in the process. Shooting sees him killing the sallie. Crumbling did very little this game because of his LD9 general! Ending the very, very unlucky First turn for him.

    Turn two:
    We moved forward! Positioning for some charges the next turn. crumbling/Magic ( Ice shards) totally killed the Carrions on the left flank. Nothing spectaculair happened.

    TK: Scorpion in the middle charged my Scar-Vet (and made it!), Scorpion nr. 2 charged my Old Blood (and made it!) and finally the carrions charged my Sallie (and made it!) Sphinx came to take a look at my Old Blood and the archers reformed. There was no magic anymore and Shooting killed 3 skinks in the middle.
    Combat: Scar-Vet killed the scorpion, Old Blood killed the other (no Killing Blow was rolled) and my Sallie ate the last carrions.

    Turn 3:
    Old Blood charges Archers (made it!), Sallie charged Archers (made it!) and my Scar-Vet charged that block and also made it in! My SW failed there charge (was a guess) en stumpled 3”. Nothing to mention happened during magic or shooting. CC saw my Old Blood, Scar-Vet AND Sallies Kill 6 archers (Hitting vs WS5, thanks to the prince!) and won combat. The archers reformed into a 5x4 formation, to mantain ranks.

    TK: Spinx charges my Old Blood. Magic and shooting……. And on to CC. Again the Old Blood and friends take down 6 archers but see the prince wounding the Scar-Vet. Combat was again in my favour.

    Turn 4:
    LZ: My SW joins the fight with the Archers finishing the deal! But his prince does manage to kill the Scar-Vet with his last attack!

    Massacre win for the Lizzies.
    After Battle thoughts:
    • That turn one magic phase totally ruined my friends game. From that moment it became an uphill battle for him.
    • Sphinx adds a psychological threat, but when it cannot KB a character, it does not “earn his points back!”
    • Scar-Vet AND Old Blood is a little to much @1K Those guys are hard as nails!
    • The dice gods were not with my friend that evening.
  2. Caneghem

    Caneghem New Member

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    I really like what you did with that battle report pictures, it made it very easy to tell what was going on!

    Honestly you got fairly lucky with those tomb scorpions, taking them down with characters is not exactly ideal. Maybe tossing javelins and skinks into them would have been better, although things seemed to work out here. I'm also surprised the Necrosphinx didn't get to see more action, did he just call the game over on turn 4? The Necro might have been able to do some damage in those last couple turns.
  3. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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    Thanks for the report! Your friend had an interesting list. Not particularly weak, but it didn't have all the tools he needed. Even if he had been able to killing blow both of your Cold-One Cowboys, I don't see how he could have win that one. That Saurus Warrior block would have munched or at least kept it's points the whole game. Necrosphinx goes down fairly easily if attacked with enough volumes, archers probably wouldn't do much even with the Smiting spell on them. Maybe a huge combo-charge from everything on the table, but you wouldn't have let that happen, now would you? Not to belittle your victory, but he had an uphill battle even before the loss of the Hierophant.

    In general, I think Lizardmen are far far superior to Tomb Kings in games under 1500 points. TKs don't have much to counter the amount of Saurus Warriors we can bring to the table. Of course, blowing up the Hierophant doesn't hepl at all. But this just shows that even with the magic that keeps them together gone, the Tomb Kings are far more battle-able than the Vampire Counts.

    Thanks for taking the time to use the Battle Chronicler. It makes following battle reports so much easier. I especially enjoyed to see your army munch through the Archers, their block getting smaller and smaller with every passing turn. Once again, congratulations on the win and good luck in your future games.
  4. hado75

    hado75 New Member

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    @ Caneghem. Thank you! I like to read Battle reports, but it very very hard to follow movement and stuff, just reading words. Battlechronicler is the program i used. It's not very difficult to start with and just gets easier along the way.

    My friends and i are starting a 1,5K campaign and i want to have all my battles reported this way. That way i can learn from past games. AND recieve feedback based on the game.

    My friend pulled the charge both times. The Old Blood was a guess (it was open) en i gambled on it's ward when needed....(Could have gone very wrong, i know...) The Scar-Vet was a surprise and bad measuring on my part.... The baso of the scorpion could "move" trough the gap between skinks and SW.
    He called it game on turn 4. I killed al his archers and put wounds on his sphinx (as result of the big loos that battle). Crumbling would have painfull without his general.

    @ caprasauridea: Thanks! Battlechronicler is a great program! SW are the Nuts i agree! I have lost games vs TK @1K. Most of the times he went magic heavy (casket, 2 casters (1 death, 1 TK) and killed one or two characters before they could get into action.... He used less archers then, but: a chariotunit and 3 necro-knights and those are harder to handle imho.

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