Why hello there!

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by SirBuddlington, Aug 21, 2013.

  1. SirBuddlington

    SirBuddlington New Member

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    Hey guys! new to the site and also very new to Lizardmen so im not really sure how this is going to go!
    ive been in the hobby for a couple of years now doing a mix of different armies, and Lizardmen (due to the new models coming out and also my passion for Reptiles) is next on my list! =]
    i love converting, building and painting models, so expect to see photos in a thread somewhere!

    it will take me a while to get the hang of a new army (it always does) so if and when i do make an army thread, folk will need to be patient as i sadly dont have the funds to do lots at a time!

    but yeah introductions! Im Budd from Glasgow, Scotland! (local GW being Glasgow of course) and id love to get to know you guys! and maybe see some really awesome armies and conversions you have done! LET THE FUN BEGIN! =] =]
  2. Smexygor
    Chameleon Skink

    Smexygor New Member

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    Welcome! Hope you enjoy and have fun. Feel free to add your voice to the discussion.
  3. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Welcome. I too have a small vampire counts army on the side. With zombie Skinks (see avatar).

    We have very talented painters and sculptors here on the modeling forum and we have a great Tactics forum. I help maintain our index of subject Tacticas which will help you on a wide variety of subjects (it's linked in my signature.) For an excellent general overview of the new book I'd recommend Cangeheim's Review. http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/caneghems-review-of-the-lizardmen.12415/

    Our fluff subforum is great. With great stories written by many. Look up Spawning of Bob's posts for hilarious comics.

    We have multiple Scottish Lizardmen players here:


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