8th Ed. 2.5 Kroak "Skink Bomb" vs VC

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by eppe, Aug 21, 2013.

  1. eppe

    eppe Member

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    Army lists on the bottom.

    Turn 1:
    Lizardmen - Tetto'eko gets 1 Vanguard unit which I give to the Skink Priest with the cloak of feathers. The 4 blocks of Skink Skirmishers and 1 Terradon squad moves forward. The Skink Priest with the cloak of feathers centers himself in the front of the VC army. The Skroxigor unit is on my left the TG unit with Kroak is in the center and the Ancient Stegadonis on the left, all three move up keeping in line with each other. I six dice the first nuke from Kroak causing an IF, but I ended up rolling a 2+ so nothing bad really happened. I do decent damage to the two Zombie units, get 2 wounds on the Morits Engine, a couple skeletons die, and a Vargheist dies. All the Spirit hosts die.

    VC - Unit of Vargheist fail a charge on some Skink skirmishers who fleed. The Mortis Engine kills the Skink Priest with the Cloak of Feathers.

    Turn 2:
    Lizardmen - The Skink Skirmisher block with 2nd Priest moves into position for Skink Bomb number two. He gets 3 Casts off dealing a TON of damage. The mortis engine blows up killing a group of zombies and damaging my terradons and skink skirmishers. My Skrox, TG, and Stegadon move up slowly keeping in line.

    VC – The big block of Skeletons (80) move up and the Banshee's in it scream and kill my unit of Skinks Skirmishers w/ Priest. The Terrorgeist flies over and kills my Terradons. The Vargheist move around but do nothing of note.

    Turn 3:
    Lizardmen – The Skrox, TG, and Stegadon all move forward again. They’ve been moving aprox. 6” a turn. I wanted to widdle the VC down as much as possible before they get into close combat. The third Skink Bomb moves into place. I cast Comet of Cassandora with Tetto in the middle of the skeleton block. I then casted 2 Deliverance of Itza killing the last block of Zombies.

    VC - Kills off another block of Skink Skirmishers with my last Skink Priest in it with the Banshees and Terrorgeist. I rerolled for the Comet to come in and land on the skeletons, it also vaporized a lone skink from the unit that was fleeing earlier.

    Turn 4:
    Lizardmen: Everything moves up a little more, Kroak is in range and casts himself… and of course he IFs... I also rolled a 1 so Kroak rolls on the miscast table. At this point I think I just lost. I ended up getting the best result possible. Kroak lost a level, dice from the power pool, and a spell... but he only has one and can't lose it. What hurt is that it ended my magic phase.

    VC - Kills the final block of Skirmishers. Banshee’s scream into the Skrox unit but and I lose 1 Kroxigor.

    Turn 5:
    Lizardmen - The Skrox and the Ancient Stegadon charge the Skeletons. I use Heavens to buff the CC. Lord Kroak casts his spell himself killing off a unit of Vargheist. The Skrox and the Stegadon win combat by 8 or so.

    VC - A group of Vargheist charge the rear and side of my Skrox unit. The Terrorgeist screams into it. Long story short the Skrox and the Stegadon die.

    Turn 6:
    Lizardmen - All I have left at this point is my unit of TG with Lord Kroak. They haven't taken a single casualty. I'm not in position to charge so I can't get in CC with anything. I reform to face the skeletons and cast Deleverence 3 times. I kill all the Vargheist, put more wounds on the Terrorgeist, and kill some skeletons.

    VC - Game Ends. We agree that he can't kill me with his ranged attacks and if he charges he will lose even more units. We add up points and it comes out to be a draw per the scenario rules.

    VC List
    Strigoi Ghoul King
    - Level 1 Wiz (Vamp)
    - Skabscrath
    - Poisoned Attacks
    - Dragonbane Gem
    - Curse of the Revenant
    - Aura of Dark Majesty
    - Infinite HatredVampire
    - Level 1 Wiz (Vamp)
    - Cursed Book
    - BSB
    - Fear Incarnate
    - H.Armour + ShieldBansheeBansheeBanshee
    - Ethereal, TerrorZombies 22
    - Standard

    Zombies 23
    - Standard

    Skeleton Warriors 85
    - FC
    - Shields & Lt. Armour
    - Spears
    - Screaming Banner Spirit Host 1

    Spirit Host 1

    Vargheist 3
    - Varghast
    - Fly, Frenzy, Vamp, Skirm

    Vargheist 3
    - Varghast
    - Fly, Frenzy, Vamp, Skirm

    Vargheist 3
    - Varghast
    - Fly, Frenzy, Vamp, Skirm

    Terrorgheist 1
    - Big Scream
    - Large, Terror, Fly

    Mortis Engine 1
    - Corpsemaster
    - Banshee Swarm
    - Spirit Horde
    - Large Target, Regen, Terror

    LM List
    Lord Kroak

    Skink Priest, Dispel Scroll, Lore of Beasts
    Skink Priest, Cube of Darkness, Lore of Beasts
    Skink Priest, Cloak of Feathers, Lore of Heavens
    Saurus Scar Vet w/s Shield, Light Armour, BSB

    37 Skink Cohorts & 3 Kroxigor w/ Musician and Standard
    11 Skink Skirmisher
    10 Skink Skirmisher
    10 Skink Skirmisher
    10 Skink Skirmisher

    26 Temple Guard full command
    5 Terradons w/ Sky Leader and Fireleech Bolas

    Ancient Stegadon w/ Unstoppable Stampede and Sharpened Horns
  2. Lizardmatt

    Lizardmatt New Member

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    I was curious how this will pan out, as my two current armies are lizards and vampires.
    I think in this type of list, I'd swap the cube for a forbidden rod. The extra D6 power dice could really bring the pain.
    I think I also would have gone with a less aggressive use of my flying skink. Keep him out of range of the mortis pulse and make your opponent really work to kill him.

    Also with Tetto, I'd always take salamanders. Vanguarding salamanders is a huge threat. I'd swap out the ancient for them.

  3. IronJaw
    Cold One

    IronJaw Member

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    I really love the Kroak-Bomb lists. It's just too much fun ;)
  4. eppe

    eppe Member

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    I like the idea of adding Salamanders to this list, I think it fits and adds that punch I need. I'm also considering dropping the Terradons for Ripperdactyls so I have a flank charge when the CC happens. It felt like 1 unit of Terradons wasn't enough to accomplish much. If I can't fit two in it seems wiser to turn them into something that can hide in my back field and get a solid flank charge.
  5. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Sounds like an awesome battle. :smug:
    the next list sounds even better. :smug:

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