Ok here is the deal i need help lol, im facing the following Dwarven army soon and i haventr a clue how to combat them as i usually face undead/elves and chaos mostly, done 1-2 dwarven fights but got owned through shooting.. Runelord -anvil of doom- shield - rune of stone - master rune of spite Thane - rune of stone - rune of cleaving - shield Runepriest - shield - scroll - rune of warding 2x 10 thunderers - shields 10 warriors - scout - thrwing axes - shields 24 -long beards - shields - full command 24 ironbreakers - full command - rune of sanctuary 4x bolt thorwers - all engineers - one rune of fire cannon -engineer Is there anything you guys could think of the army needs to be 2k points but if you throw ideas out i may be able to connect one together.. Thanks
So many bolt throwers! Well, looks like they did the old anvil gunline on ya. Since I played dwarves first, I have been thinking of how I would dismantle this list. At least he did you the favor of not taking any hammerers... stubborn dwarves are a tough nut to crack (Especially with the Rune of Courage to prevent fear autobreaks). Also, is that Thane a BSB? A dwarf player would be nuts not to have a BSB. Ironbreakers can be flanked to remove ranks, and beaten through combat res, don't worry too much about them. Also, the ancient steg EotG (you should take one for the 5+ shooting ward) would do some good damage against Ironbreakers, if it had a prayer of surviving that long. But the more shots it can absorb the less of your important stuff he will kill. The anvil is always the trump card, and will likely be somewhere you can't readily reach it, however you will want to send something very nasty after it in order to be assured you will neutralize it. Even if you can't reach it, make sure he knows which unit you are going after it with. I would say cold one cavalry with a BBoC Scar-vet with battle standard are your best option. What you want to do is draw the anvil's wrath with your highly armored saurus cav, to detract attention from your terradons and other units. Meanwhile, you could really surprise him with a Carno... The Carnosaur can't be hit with the Anvil of Doom's wrath and ruin rune. Its rules say that characters outside of units cannot be targetted unless they or their mounts are LARGE targets. So if you have room to get your sneakasaur behind his lines, you can have a chance at charging the anvil. He has no gyrocopter so he won't be march blocking you early on, otherwise I might say take the war drum on the Carno. His rangers will be a minor annoyance, you could potentially deal with them with terradon drop rocks on turn one, if the need seems great enough. Terradons, you need at least 2 units of 4. Keep them screened by skinks on turn one, then fly them each over one unit of thunderers dropping rocks on them. These are essentially the only targets worth hitting with rocks. Toss javelins in the shooting phase to further weaken the gunners, and then charge any surviving terradons at warmachines to tie them up next turn. Odds are the terradons will pay a high price for their bravery. But the idea is to give him lots of things he wants to shoot at. Terradons aren't nearly as important vs. dwarves who don't plan on actually moving, but send them on their mission and make the dwarf player believe you are relying on them. Speaking of warmachines, there is a unit that is perfectly designed for gobbling up warmachines. 11 skinks + 1 kroxigor is both fairly cheap and is a pretty close to sure bet to get rid of dwarf crew in one turn. The kroxigor causes fear and is US3, so if you can manage to kill a single T4 6+ AS dwarf crew, then they will auto-break from fear instead of testing on stubborn 9. So bring at least 2, preferably 3 or even 4 units of the 11skink+1krox blocks. These blocks are the best thing we have against dwarves really, since their attacks back aren't all that impressive (usually 1 str 3 or 1 str 4 attack per dwarf). This lets you flank with skink cohorts pretty much at will without risking losing much CR from killed skinks (apart from characters), plus the krox's str 6 hits perfectly bash through T4 4+ armor. Chameleon skinks could potentially be an annoyance to some dwarf warmachine crew, though the randomization is always a fickle bitch. They can also move to block line of fire on some of the warmachines, and with near impunity against bolt throwers and BS reliant shooters as they are -2 to hit even in the open ground. This of course assumes there is at least some terrain that makes scouts worth having. Finally you can even charge them into combat with the cannon crew, it probably would be worth tying up that thing to save some of your important stuff. They have a decent chance of success, because while they are T2 weaklings, their poisoned attacks could kill some lightly armored dwarf crew and you will outnumber and attack first next round assuming the dwarves stubbornly hold. Salamanders might get a couple of good shots off against the dwarf blocks to thin them out a bit, other than that they will become pincushions, though bolt throwers might randomize and kill a single skink handler. Something I'm not sure about is whether or not the salamander's flame template attack can cause panic against warmachine crews. Typically warmachine crews don't care about panic due to casualties, but isn't the salamander attack sort of a more psychological effect? Regardless, you want sallies thinning those numbers on the blocks. Finally the saurus should be able to hold, but not win, against dwarves to their front. Keep your saurus cav with scar-vet BSB nearby to hold his two blocks in place until your skink cohorts can flank them. I think that addresses how to beat dwarves with the type of list I'm thinking about taking, though if you like to take a Slann it will be a quite different story. I think that type of dwarf list is best tackled with an Oldblood, since they have 8 dispel dice plus a scroll.
The list hes playing is kind of cheap. I would take a slan and just spirit of the forge the avil. I guess that would work, not really sure about the stats. Have only a handful of dwarfs around my area, one of them picked up an avail today so i guess il face it some time in the future. Also the first metal spell could work as well on them to snipe the crew. Stegadon with 5+ward could work. Also a flying skink or a sarus with the jaguar charm to fly around and break crew could work, or teradons with charge/ drop rocks.
the real stegadon is right, the warriors cannot have the scout rule, for if they do they become Rangers. And you need a unit of warriors to have Longbeards. onece they become Rangers they no longer count as Warriors.