ok, we've got the book and it's pretty nice. Do you think it has any problems? I think so: for me it has only one, big problem... too many special choices!
I'm going to try and stay away from general/personal gripes (eg. lack of monstrous cavalry other than terras/rips)Rule-wise, a lot of these have already been detailed but: Low toughness on Carnosaur and Troglodon. Considering the new model sizes, and the fact they're supposed to be the central monster of the LM army other than the Steg, and their place in the fluff I expect a little more durability out of them. Little practical necessity to suit the Troglodon's cost or rather smexy model. The flexibility of the unit is an interesting idea, but the flimsy rules and high points cost make it unjustified for it's worth and it's place as a rare. Lack of core variety, or rankable units at that. I love Monsters, don't get me wrong, but I don't want to rely on a lumbering target for a powerhouse beyond Temple Guard, and I really want a unit that can help match the variety of other units available to most other armies. Cold-One Riders are still a tad pricey, but it's mainly the lack of magical banner that irks me (man, the Sun Standard + CoC was amazing). In fact, the only unit other than a BSB that can take a magical banner are the Temple Guard, which seems singificantly less than other armies (I'm looking at you, High Elves!) Ok, that may be close to gripe-land...but I think it's a valid point. Other comments: The mysterious, limited edition 'New Art' that appears on p.21 of some copies. Either sloppy editing or subliminal conspiracy, both are unwanted.
The fact that it's still stuck in mail for me? Seriously though, the new bastilodon is supposed to be a true tank. It's more a charge of the light brigade* *It's not actually that bad, but the comparison felt right The 4 point spear upgrade for SCOR seems steep to me. They were never on the cheap side, and this isn't helping at all. Lack of variety in core, as slanputin pointed out, is really a missed opportunity. The Hunted
Ha, Light Brigade: it works on two levels! I think that the Basti's almost seem like the LM version of chariots, just with the Impact Hits and Movement sacrificed for Armour Save and Ark/Engine (yes, I realise my comparison crumbled, but I'm stubborn and sticking with it!)
Skrox nerf seemed rather unnecessary, especially with as previously mentioned, our limited core options. Agreed, carno and trog based on the fluff should be way more powerful. Given that they don't fly, which massively limits their battlefield potential, I don't see any reason that at least the carno shouldn't be the equal of a dragon. Bastiladon seems disappointing so far, again with regard to how easily it is killed.
I do think that the bastilidon should be tougher, armor save is more easily bypassed than toughness and since everything wounds on a 6 anyway would T6 really be OP? I'd have liked the skink oracle to be a slimmed down chief, as it stands he's basically a non casting shaman. If he was channeling and had the stats of a brave or terradon rider by default it would be more palletable.
No Nakai. Some of our special characters are rather silly, but yet they still continue to pass over Nakai. I'd love to see what kind of model the GW sculptors could come up with. A bit more resilience out of Kroxigor. Seeing as they always strike after their opponents I'd love to see a little bit more defensive ability. Something like... 3+ Scaly skin OR Toughness 5 OR 5+ Regen
Coming from the perspective of a Tomb Kings lover who pays more for a Ushabti that has worse armor and cannot march, I can tell you I am really looking forward to getting my Krox on the table!
I do too, and as an O&G and OK player I'm used to having good monstrous infantry. Kroxigor compare favourably to any Ogres for example. They are a little fragile, but excellent can openers and we don't get a lot of those.
The ability to smash stuff up before they hit you and inflict damage without having to roll to hit and being cheaper is a solid trade off imo. And the less said about chaos ogres the better.