Not really planning on doing loads of these but was looking the rat ogres thay you get in the main box set the skaven half has been sitting on a shelf for months as i only got it for the highelves and had an idea to change them in to kroxigor for my lizardmen here's a wip pic here's a wip pics got the other one to make but need to find a replacement hand
Re: IoB Rat ogres to Kroxigor conversion Cool idea! It looks really nice. Maybe I will have something to do with the Isle of Blood Skaven after all.
Re: IoB Rat ogres to Kroxigor conversion Those look really great. I nice change. I like the lurch that the figure has. You can almost see the power and strength in the stance.
Re: IoB Rat ogres to Kroxigor conversion When I saw the thread title I though "no way", but now that I see it, I must say amazing job on the conversion, they look great.
Re: IoB Rat ogres to Kroxigor conversion I especially the giant pair of testicles you can see clearly in the 4th image. They could be a great weapon all by themselves. (Fluff / Special rule, anyone?)
Re: IoB Rat ogres to Kroxigor conversion Roflmao! Str 10, always strikes last, causes terror, armor piercing on a roll of 1, the krox hits them with a str 7 attack and is removed from the battle after a high pitched scream/roar.
Re: IoB Rat ogres to Kroxigor conversion Teabag: Upon having defeated a foe, Kroxigor will squat down and up repeatedly, showing their obvious superiority to surviving foes and friends alike. Kroxigor may never overrun or pursue after winning a combat (they're too busy teabagging the fallen enemy). Upon winning a combat that involves Kroxigor, the Lizardmen player gains 100 bonus Victory Points.
Re: IoB Rat ogres to Kroxigor conversion i didn't notice that lol never gona look at this model the same again lol
Re: IoB Rat ogres to Kroxigor conversion big up date right so i managed to get 2 more on ebay so i have 4 converted kroxigor plus 4xoop krox also picked up 64x oop skinks so i got enough to do a one massive horde of skrox so thanks to my airbrush ive managed to get the undercoat and base coat pretty quickly my whole army is mostly oop models painted in different stages of collecting my lizards so nearly every unit is painted a different colour the plan is that one day i will manage to get them all based up the same to bring the whole thing together hopefully