Hello, i was just wondering what to do with my 30+ saurus warrior w hw and shields, thought they could serve me better if i gave them spears instead (since spears are free with the new army book). My question is: Since i haven't painted them yet, is it viable to "unglue" hand weapon arms and glue spear arms? is it too messy? have someone done it before? thanks in advance.
Not a problem, just different solutions. Yea your soultion is a sharp hoby knife. either slice or pry the old arms off at the joint where you glued them on. and make sure your surface are free of old glue, otherwise the new arm want stick on so well. It you had used super glue you could stick them in the freezer and make the glue brittle and just pull the arms off.
I've changed my Saurus Arms three times with new changes. If you aren't worried about breaking the HW arms, just snip them first before getting out your hobby knife. I also find getting the cut started with a Diamond Saw helps too. I'm going to be changing my HW back to spears soon too. Ready for round 4!