Hi all, just spend about 4 to 5 hours on this new Skink Priest, I like this model a lot and I thought of what colour should the feathers be. I ended up with this and I am quite glad with the outcome! A bit tough to get proper highlight on the red feathers tho. I didn't thin the paint enough and some parts are already quite thick as it is. It is about 80% done, just need to refine highlight and complete the feather pattern at the back and finish the eyes and base. Feedback? Shot with Canon EOS 60D, EF-S 60mm Macro
That..looks...Amazing! I love it! Sadly, I cannot help you with tips/tricks. But a big Wowsers is all I can add The Hunted
Great work, i love those green feathers with the white end. Consider it a borrowed idea. What colour is that last feather going to be?
Thanks! About the base, since I base coat it white, I just use a heavy black wash, then 3-4 dry brushing of grey/brown/yellow/white I feel that the staff does not stand out but I don't know how to "highlight" gold. Perhaps mixing silver with gold to get it lighter and put it on the edge
Yeah, a mix of silver and gold, building up the layers until mostly silver. I have no idea how to highlight those red feathers, though. Really nice colour, though. You could possibly change the fin colour on his head, so it contrasts a little more. Meanwhile, those green feathers look absolutely stunning! As does the skin.