I wanted to get some terradons and I'm slightly torn on which set I should make, Ripperdactlys sound like fun due to frenzy, so what set should I make and use? Along with that, I'm deciding on what colour to paint them. The core of my army is a bone blade brown skin with dryad bark scales and a touch of red here and there so it's a dark sandy them. My slann is a slight dark reddish so it doesn't go to far from the theme. any tips on what colour I should paint them would be lovely, do bare in mind that the skink riders will be following the same colour as the core, so I don't want it to look too silly. But I would like it to stand out more from the the brownish rest of the army. Cann anyone help me out here? Comments obviously appreciated Thanks P.s, sorry if there's clear mistakes in the text, i rushed this plus I'm on my iPod.
If you're worried about building a unit, only to not end up using them in a game, you could try to magnetize the bits so they are swappable. I don't have the kit, but I can't imagine it would be too hard, as they're plastic. Look up "rare earth magnets" for sizes etc. As for colour, if you don't want them to contrast too much, you could go reddish-brown or orangey-yellow, and a cream coloured underbelly. Colours like: