I'm recently getting back into my Lizardman army, and it seems to me that the 8th edition rules changes had the side effect of making the Skink/Kroxigor mixed units awful. They get all the nerfs from the charge changes, but they can't use any of the buffs! Being in the second row, Krox are only allowed to make a maximum of 3 supporting attacks each, and thus lose the benefit from Predatory Fighter. (I know many people have chosen to play it differently, but it's what the rules say.) And of course, because they're not in base contact with the enemy, they don't get to use their stomps. And just to rub salt in the wound, they're still surrounded by WS2 T3 guys that bleed combat res, ensuring they lose virtually every combat they participate in. What you get from having Skinks in the unit is some static combat res - a few ranks and a banner. What you lose are 5 or so extra attacks from your Krox, 3 of which hit automatically (stomps). You also double the number of wounds your opponent can score against your unit by introducing T2 skinks into the equation. Against WS3 S3 T3 opponents, for example, 3 Krox do 6.88 wounds on average, and take less than 1. But 24 Skinks + 3 Krox do only 4.6 wounds, while taking two or more. That means you just paid 150 points in order to give yourself -3 to your combat res, offsetting any gain you might expect from your banner and ranks. Joy. Am I missing something? With our extremely limited Core choices I really want this unit to be viable, but as it stands I just can't see it.
Yeah, you missed the part where the enemy can attack to Krox, potentially removing any wounds the unit would cause before they get to strike. Absolutely gutted at their new rules. The two things that made them any good in the last book (Krox not being hit and unit immune to stomp) have been removed. I keep trying to think of ways to make them work, but I'm struggling. Maybe a big unit with 5 Krox? So you can afford to lose a couple?
You can use them to fill up the core? I hope there is some redeeming factor in there. The Skrox unit is my favorite unit from our core choices. I have not played the new book yet. Maybe a Faq will fix the predatory fighter thing before I get them on the table.
pay for poisoned attacjs and go monster hunting.. against monsters with low armour: skinks should lay a few 6's against monsters with tough armour: krox-can-openers will lay a few wounds. ....could you get the same result spending the same amount on kroxigors alone? .......yes...better even....as who gives a stega-dump for a poison attack vs S7....so no...that wasnt a good idea either. im also frustrated...especially cause I was just starting to like them over saurus. gladly they got better by themselves..I am thinking of buying myself 2 boxes of kroxigors...and try out a 10 block of them.
I'm still trying to get the Skroxigor to work. I think the only viable way to take them in the future will be with poison in Horde. The Kroxigor will keep the skinks alive so they can roll those 6s and hurt things. I will probably end up switching back to Saurus though as they feel more reliable.
I think a flanker with a single Kroxigor and 15 Skinks or less would be a useful flank support unit. I think a horde with two ranks of Kroxigor in a VERY large unit would be a viable main block. I think anything in between will struggle enormously to justify it's points.
yea....great stuff actually...except for me who has to suffer under the danish praise of ETC (max 40models / 450pts per unit)
Question on Horde with Skrox... since it's a mixed unit how wide would we need to go for a 2nd row of Krox to get to attack, and is that even possible? It's suppose to be 6 Krox wide, or 12 Skinks. I'm just wondering if you did invest enough points could you get a row of skinks, followed by two rows of Krox, all attacking at once. I'm not sure it's viable just something I was thinking about.
not possible, you count the skinks 25mm basses for ranks, so kroxigors woud need to be in a horde AND somehow get spears to attack from the 4th row, but we now kroxogors can't get spears. So yea if you want kroxigors attacking from multiple ranks, you are going to have to use them on their own.
" ...Unless otherwise stated, close combat attacks can only target Kroxigors within a mixed unit if an enemy model is either in base contact with a Kroxigor or if an enemy model is in contact with Skink who is in turn in base contact with a Kroxigor..." Only Kroxigors can be attacked ... Spawn-kin rule
I think you might be inserting an immaginary comma into that sentance. I am fairly sure that this rule is takiking about how to hit a kroxigor, not that you must.
But is that what that means? It is unclear. There was a discussion earlier about it. Either: A) Only Kroxigor can be attacked in those situations or B) Only in those situations can Kroxigor be targeted.
I miss 6th Edition. Run up a unit of skinks and launch some poison, then charge through with the Kroxigors. Good times!
Hallo, my name is Inigo Montoya You killed my father Prepare to die! Love it! Come to think of it, seems like I should create a Scar Vet named Inigo. Seems appropriate.
Yes, this rule is pretty clearly saying that these are the only situations in which Kroxigor can be attacked, not to indicate all models must attack them. The "can...if" construction (rather than "must...if") makes that pretty clear.
The Krox would count as the 2nd and 3rd rank, not allowing skinks behind to fight... BUT... you could put skink chiefs on terradons or rippers and put them in the front rank. They would fill the front 2 ranks, and the Krox would get pushed back into the 3rd rank. In horde fomation, the chief would fight up front, and the krox would support from the 3rd rank. As per spawn kin, you may hit krox if you're in contact with a krox or with a Skink that's in contact with the krox. Note that it says Skink, and not skink. Look at the unit type. Skink is a unit type. I think if you fill the front rank if Chiefs, you can't swing on Krox (until FAQ'd anyway.)
Gah, this again. That interpretation only makes sense if you ignore the main rules (that you may attack any model in baae contact) and the layout of the unit (why not put the Kroxigor in the front rank if only they can be attacked? ). It does not state that the skinks cannot be attacked. If you had 12 Kroxigor in two ranks would they count as horde and all get to attack? Or could you have 6 in 2 ranks but the skinks 10 wide?
I thought "a Scar Veteran with a mustache would look weird." I gambled that I could find something by putting "lizard with a mustache" into a search engine. The modern Internet rarely disappoints me.
I've split my units back into cohort and krox. Too bad you can't charge through the skinks like 6th, but still feels better than skrox units.