8th Ed. New Lizzies versus Vampire Counts

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Wallice, Aug 21, 2013.

  1. Wallice

    Wallice New Member

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    Hi everyone, first post, but long-time lurker here! Got the new book and played a quick game with my friend, it was a friendly game nothing serious and we both tried to test things out rather than straight-up win.

    My list was roughly:

    -channeling staff and extra channel dice combo
    -high magic loremaster
    -soul of stone
    -reservoir of eldritch energy

    -Sword of striking
    -Glittering scales
    -Enchanted shield


    Skink priest (beasts) w/dispel scroll

    41 x Saurus w/spears horde

    3 x 10 units of skink skirmisher, one with blowpipes

    Cohort unit for Tetto

    6 cold one cavalry w/spears

    Blasterdon (slann bodyguard)

    An ancient steg with sharp horns

    and lastly a sally.

    He had 2 large zombie hordes, a skeleton horde, a ghoul horde (think he wanted to try out hordes), some wolves, a mortis engine,
    Varghulf, wraiths corpse cart, 2 necromancers and some special character Kemmler or something.

    Scenario was blood and glory 2500 pts.

    I managed to outdeploy him using Tetto's vanguard, moving my Scarnosaur and saurus horde forward.
    He got stuck in a funny position between some buildings and a river on the right flank, he kept his general (the Kemmler dude) in the skeleton horde behind the largest zombie horde facing directly towards my scarnosaur and saurus.

    On the left he had most of his bulk and I only had a steg, Tetto's unit and the cavalry.

    Lizzie turn one, I move my stuff up, I'm not afraid of combat. Magic I get decide to start hard, Fiery Convocation on six dice, irresistible force, kill 27 skellies and roll 7 on the miscast, but I run my slann solo so nothing happens. Forget convoc for wyssans. Shooting kills one wolf I think.

    He holds back on the right flank, but moves up on the left, charges his wolves into my steg. He then tries to raise to skellies I dispel everything apart from one invocation, he gets 7 skellies back, then tries some shenanigans with a power stone, but rolls really poorly and fails the spell. Steg kills NO wolves, NONE! The skink crew kill 2 however (I don't know how it happened) I lose combat, but hold.

    Lizzie turn two, I charge the zombies with my scarnosaur and the spear horde, and enter a building with some skirmishers. Cast wyssans on the spear horde and hand of glory on the steg +1 WS YAY! He dispels my beam of chotec.
    The varghulf resists my shooting.
    The spear horde combined with the scarnosaur kill 20 something zombies. Sword of strinking gave me 4 extra attacks! (I asked the local gw store clerk about predatory fighter in supporting ranks and sword of striking he said they both work so I decided thats how I play until FAQ, my friend agreed as well).
    He had 60 zombies, but after crumble he has 6 left. I was hoping I'd manage to kill everything and overrun into his general's horde, but ah well. He kill one saurus in return... -_-
    Steg decides to get useful kills a bunch of wolves, 2 remain after crumble.

    He charges my sally with wraiths and my cohort bunker with his mortis engine (it can charge through buildings o.o) He also charges my skirmishers in the building. He then moves his whole left flank up looking pretty grim over there, whilst my right flank is doing well.
    I dispel everything thanks to channeling and a dispel die, he decides that his horde of skeletons is not gonna fare well vs my horde so he tries to run away, but due to dispelling van hels and the awkward position he put himself in they don't get far. Ghouls are looking like they can flank the saurus however.
    His scream kills my sally and he overruns into my bastiladon (<3 my slann bodyguard)
    He kill Tetto and his unit and my steg finishes the wolves and we both reform to meet each other.
    My scarnosaur finished the zombies. Bastiladon loses 2 wounds to the wraiths and does none in return. I did roll poorly, but still kinda underperforming as a bodyguard there. The varghulf kills 2 skinks and they do one wound in return and stick around.

    Lizzie turn 3

    I charge his mortis engine with my steg and his skeleton horde with my own saurus horde and scarnosaur.
    My slann shuffles away from my bastiladon and finds himself a new bodyguard in the form of 6 saurus riding stupid dinosaurs.

    I wiff apotheosis on the bastiladon and lose concentration (double 1 -.-) my skink priest attempts wyssans, get's dispelled.
    Impact hits on the mortis engine resuslts in *drumroll* 1 hit and no wounds. BLARGH STEG WHY?? WHY??? He attacks, but I save everything and kill him with thunderstomps.

    Varghulf breaks my skinks who run away, but luckily the varghulf is still stuck outside the building on the other side.
    My spear horde and scarnosaur massacre his skeleton horde and his general dies putting him under the break point.

    I like high magic, not sold on loremaster though. Channeling combo was glorious! Gave me a real edge along with Tetto's rerolls. Tetto's vanguard was helpfull as well, helping me force my opponents into a tricky spot.
    He took a very mild list I must say and he made some large positional errors, as I said it was more to try things out for the both of us. The spear horde if played out with supporting attacks having predatory fighter is amazing, yes they did only fight zombies, but I can see them being very good. Scarnosaur...meh...I think I can get better value with 2 cowboys quite frankly, he is just a bit too expensive for what he does I feel, I like him though and I'm gonna try him again, hoping I get to prove him against something other than zombies and skeletons. The sword of striking on a scar vet was amazing though (again we'll see if it stays with the FAQ) but I got 2 more attacks on average and most of my other attacks hit! I was really cool, definitely my new favourite svar vet weapon.
    Bastiladon underperformed I feel, took 2 wounds from 2 wraiths and a banshee, he wasn't exactly the body guard I hoped for. However his large base (I put him flank towards the enemy with the slann behind) did protect the slann long enough to get away, so he did his job, I'm just not sure I can count on him to hold anything that's stronger than wraiths for more than 1 turn. Overall it is pretty similiar as it has been. I'm temped to run more monsters and a cavalry of death bus, but I will need more models, would be hilarious though for sure. Anyways thanks for reading!
  2. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    The list seems soft, but it was well implemented in paper. To get the most of out of undead Hordes, one needs to make their attacks count. Corpse Cart and Mortis Engine should help and Kemmler has Lore Mastery of the Lore of Vampires so that's three cheap augments that can be cast.

    The problem is he used zombie hordes. Zombies are a tarpit unit not a horde unit. With WS 1, all a zombie horde is going to do is die even faster. I think his list would have been far deadlier if he used ghouls for all his Core.

    You played a solid game though with no slipups. For a few minor suggestions you might want to swap your Sharpened Horns for a Stampede upgrade since Steggies are more likely to attack one wound models. I also think it was a little odd that you swapped a spell for Wyssans when you already had Wyssans. In your shoes I would have taken Death to get Spirit Leech to zap the Varghulf and/or the Necromancers.

    Also, putting a Skirmisher unit in a building is nice but getting a cohort in a building is even better. Skirmishers don't get anything in a building and if Tet was in a building, his unit would be Stubborn and he'd have 360 visibility for both his spells and your Slann's.

    The reason your Scarnosaur seemed less valuable than two cowboys was because this list was so unorthodox for a VC army. There were very few multi-wound models for your Carnosaur to munch on.
  3. DeRailed_612
    Jungle Swarm

    DeRailed_612 New Member

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    You fielded a Bastilodon as a bodyguard for your lone slann
    I would like to know how you positioned the two units relative to each other. Did you have Bastilodon use it's wide flank to block charges aimed at the Slann? Just curious.
  4. Wallice

    Wallice New Member

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    I kept it a little ahead of my slann, but not with the flank covering it until I felt a charge might be closing in. I wanted to keep the beam of chotec in line of sight for as long as possible. Then while my bast kept the wraiths busy I scurried my slann towards the next unit easily movable, in this case my unit of 6 cav.
  5. Lizardmatt

    Lizardmatt New Member

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    -Glittering scales
    -Enchanted shield

    Can't do this. You only get 1 choice for the Magic Armor section.

    My biggest worry against vampire is terrorghiests and black knight buses. You didn't have to face either.
    My nightmare as a vampire player is to try and have my core go toe to toe with S4 T4 lots of attacks infantry... ie, things like saurus or chaos warriors. Give those guys +1 S/T and my vampire core is really crying.

    Going against vampires, I'd cycle high magic for death. An Ld10 slaan is going to murder anything that gets out of the generals bubble. VC units have Ld7 if they are really "elite". Most are Ld5 or worse.
    Combining Spirit Leech with Tetto's Comet is a no win for vampires. Clump up near the general to march and get the leadership vs Spirit Leech, and now you're bunched up for the Comet Strike.

  6. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    I'm pretty sure you cannot (thunder)stomp a mortis engine. IIRC only infantry.

    Anyways, good write-up, nice report and ofcourse: nice result! Great tips here here too :)

    The Hunted
  7. Smexygor
    Chameleon Skink

    Smexygor New Member

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    Is it possible to do 1 impact hit? Isn't it D6+1?

    Your scar vet was over equipped but could have bought a regular shield and got a 2+ which would have done the same vs zombies.
  8. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    ahm.... those attacks, are they supposed to come from predatory fighter?
    If so im sad to burst the bubble, PF only goes of on the roll of a "6" not a "6+" which is a world of difference.

    ..by using the logic that Sword of Striking would make PF go off on a 5, then the same logic would mean that all 6's no longer triggers it since they now have a value of 7....which means you just move PF from a roll of a 6 to a roll of a 5 :p

    that aside, nice report! enjoyed reading it :D
  9. Wallice

    Wallice New Member

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    What I meant is I rolled 1, thus granting me 2 hits in total, and yeah I won't use more than one piece of magic again.
    Also I forgot about thunderstomps only working on infantry, thanks all for pointing out my mistakes, I will be free of them one day! xD

    Yeah, as I mentioned I asked the store clerk about it (now I know they might not know more than anyone else, but oh well) and he said a 6+ still counts as six, thus granting PF on both 5's and 6's. Not sure if that's correct, but I figure I'd take his word on it until a FAQ.

    Thanks! ^^ I hope to make more, hopefully without as many mistakes ^^'
  10. Smexygor
    Chameleon Skink

    Smexygor New Member

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    There is no 7 on a D6, anyone saying that 6's aren't 6's is being an ass.

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