7th Ed. Maiming shield question

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by strewart, Apr 22, 2009.

  1. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Ok the maiming shield clearly states that it gives +1 attack to the bearer, not that the shield itself has an attack. It also clearly states that the attack must be at the base model's strength, so no combining it with the sword of might or a mounted character's spear. However, it doesn't say it uses the base stats in general of the model. So can it be combined with say the dagger of sotek, which confers killing blow to the bearer? Or the burning blade for -2 AS? An interesting one, sword of the hornet? Surely all attacks would strike first, not most of them and then the extra one?
  2. Aparach

    Aparach New Member

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    As I interpret it, I would say you split you attacks and do seperat attacks
    e.c. Scar-vet on cold one with Maiming shield and sword of hornet in SCC with an enemy character with higher initiativ: scar-vet hits his normal attacks from the hand weapon first, then the attacks goes in initiativ order, then the scar-vets shield hits and finaly his mount.

    I doesn't think you get the benefits from any other magical or mundane weapons..
    Can't really see the big difference in the wording that it "gives +1 attack to the bearer" and "shield has an extra attack". As for benefits from other weapons, the shield clearly doesnt benefit from other modifiers to strenght and so it would be strange that other rebuffs to AS and similare atributes would be strange as well.

    As for ASF and Killing blow: hasn't got my book here and I'm not so sure, but I guess you could say that it could work as for a character on a mount were the shield beeing the "mount"

    Man I'm tierd! have me excused if nothing of this doesn't make any sense :rolleyes:
  3. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Yeah but the thing is it gives him an extra attack, and weapons like hornet say 'give the character ASF' NOT 'attacks from the weapon have ASF' as a few weapons have in their description. So if the weapon straight gives him ASF, then it is part of his base stats and the shield should follow it yeah?

    On the other hand, burning blade of chotec says 'targets struck by the burning blade' which would clearly indicate that the maiming shield wouldn't benefit from it. It is again a difference in words, and some weapons definitely say attacks from the weapon while others say 'they give the model x ability'.
  4. Aparach

    Aparach New Member

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    If thats the wording, I would agree that the character inc his extra attack benefits from ASF as it sure is part of his main stat :) could be an interesting combo on a scar-vet..
  5. Dalkarius

    Dalkarius New Member

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    Although that may be trying to find a rather small loophole in the wording, I would agree with the Sword of the Hornet idea if it says that exactly.
  6. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    It may be finding another loophole, and looking at RAW too closely, but I wonder if it was somewhat intentional. Surely it cannot be accidental that some weapons say 'give the character x' and other say 'attacks from the weapon do x'. It should all be uniform unless there was the intention that some could be combined while others couldn't. Like the blade of realities obviously say attacks from the blade, you cannot get an extra attack for that from the shield because it is a powerful weapon.

    I also wondered if it was intentional because the shield merely said it uses the attackers base strength, not that the attack uses his stats and cannot be modified as mentioned by some other similar weapons from other armies.

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