Hey guys! I'm a 40k vet and have played Dark Elves in Fantasy (just casually) since the very end of 7th Edition. With the release of Lizardmen in 8th, I couldn't resist buying Lizards, dinosaurs, and lizards riding dinosaurs! I bought a batallion box and an extra box of Skinks and Saurus Warriors, along with the new Gor-Rok model (which looks awesome!). I've been reading the fluff and man it is really cool. I'll be posting an army list here in a few minutes for an escalation league I'm running for my club, but I have never played against or as Lizardmen so I'm completely new to this army. I would love any and all input on how to lead this army to victory on the table top. Thanks, and see you guys on the boards!
Haha yes, the Lizardmen are definitely a worthwhile army to play with, and there's plenty of us willing to give advice whether it be tactics or painting Welcome!
Welcome, for Tactics advice you should check out the Tactica Index linked in my signature. It's maintained by the forum's handsomest poster* *citation needed