8th Ed. ETC KOMP new book

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Iniesta, Sep 4, 2013.

  1. Iniesta
    Jungle Swarm

    Iniesta New Member

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    We are playing a local tourney, and will need to make a new komp on lizards with ETC komp framework on the new book.
    Any suggestions on what need komp in this book (ETC standards on tourney)?
    It will be 2400 points
  2. Caneghem

    Caneghem New Member

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    I'm not sure the ETC comp has gotten around to evaluating the new book yet, though I could be wrong. If I had to guess, Tetto'ekko seems pretty good for his cost, so maybe throw him out?
  3. Iniesta
    Jungle Swarm

    Iniesta New Member

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    ETC is no SC so no need to ban any more than the other.

    Has already made a suggestion, but wanted independent input on what to limit in the current book without telling what my suggestion was to keep it as open as possible.
    And we want to use the current book with Our own version guessing for a reasonable ETC komp.
  4. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    I am having a pretty hard time figuring out what to do.
    but what I think still applies is

    0-2 Scar vet on cold
    1 or more Slanns/ Dispel Scroll / Cube of darknes. Max 2

    0-1 unit of salamanders shouldnt apply anymore, they are fixed IMO.
  5. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    All lizardmen monsters gain a 2+ ward save vs cannons. :p :D
    (I have been checking u-tube for battle reports, mostly LM are loosing or barely wining)
  6. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    To streamline the process, I think they will just limit all LM units that start with "S"
  7. Agrem

    Agrem Active Member

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    I think I would go with quite the same restrictions as earlier. Just get rid of some unnecessary ones and update few.

    Something along:

    Lizardmen (2400)
    -Salamander Units, max 1 (As opposed to one of the previous posters, I think they are now more powerful against most of the infantry with S4 and the no marching is not really an issue)
    -Mounted Scar-Veterans, max 2
    -Becalming Cogitation/Cube or Darkness counts as 1 DD
    -Non character units consisting of less than 20 models and costing 130pts or under, max 6. (or maybe 7)

    I know most might disagree with me atleast with the last point but I think that the skink clouds should still be restricted.

  8. thegraymist

    thegraymist Member

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    I generally agree with what has been said except on a couple of things.

    I think we are allowed one half-decent caster at a reasonable points cost (Tetto'Eko). At least he gives us something a bit more "reliable" to combat cannons and impenetrable clusters of war machines that kill our expensive dinosaurs :p

    Yeah I'm not too keen on limiting skink clouds. They are much less reliable now and substantially less effective when not huddled around the general. Remember the average on best 2 of 3 dice is 5.542 which is slightly geared towards Ld6, not Ld5.
  9. Lizardmatt

    Lizardmatt New Member

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    Cold Blooded 5 is passed 52% of the time, 77% with a BSB.
    With a LD8 general, it's 89%.
    If you want to cloud, you should be able to get most within range of either the general or the BSB, making a rally pretty easy (77% to 89%).

    I'd go with 0-2 scarvet/oldblood on coldones.
    0-5 on razordons, and 0-3 on salamanders is a good idea.

    As important as the restrictions is a FAQ.
    1) Do Predatory Fighter Attacks generate bonus attacks from the 2nd rank?
    2) Does the Kroxigors Predatory fighter force the cohort to pursue?
    3) Does the engine of the gods Burning Alignment hit ALL units in range, or ALL units in the front arc that are not in close combat?
    4) Ark of Sotek special attack in the shooting phase hit ALL units in range, or ALL units in range, in the front arc, that are not in close combat?
    5) The cohort rule says the models touching a Skink may attack the krox behind him. If an opponent isn't touching a "Skink" (which is the models in a cohort) but instead touching an attached character, can you still swing on the Kroxigor?
    6) Can a Chief on a Ripperdactyl place a bloat toad? Does his Ripper benefit from Bloat Toads placed by other units?
    7) Can a chief on a Ripper or Terradon join units of ripperdactyls or terradons?
    8) If a Carnisaur does a wound at initiative 2, it immediately gains frenzy (blood frenzy rule). Does it make that extra attack now?
    9) Is there any way to make Chakax, Ocyotl and Troglodons not suck?
    Special Characters:
    10) Does Kroak's spell hit ALL enemy units in range, or ALL enemy units in range, in arc, and not in combat?
    11) Can Tictaq'to join units of terradons?
  10. RipperDerek

    RipperDerek Active Member

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    A few more:

    1) Can a Skink Chief on a Stegadon fire the bow?
    2) Can opposing supporting attacks target Kroxigor in a mixed unit? (The supporting models are not in base contact with a skink, so RAW they cannot.)
    3) Do Krox in mixed units get Stomps? (RAW they do not.)
    4) Do Krox in mixed units get Predatory Fighter rolls? (RAW they do not.)
    5) Are Salamander shots resolved simultaneously or incrementally? (It makes a huge difference.)
    6) Does Piranha Blade's effect really not just apply to attacks made with the Piranha Blade?

    And one tongue in cheek one: who was the guy who decided a single cannon ball should hit BOTH the rider AND the mount automatically if it at all clips the model's base, and what is his home address?

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