8th Ed. Fan Made Southland's List

Discussion in 'House Rules' started by Scalenex, Sep 5, 2013.

  1. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Specifically made by me. What say you?

    Hypothetical Southblood List

    Slann – Unchanged

    Relic Priest 240 points, with fewer Slann the Southlands LM are more willing to send their dead Slann into battle.
    M WS BS S T W I A Ld
    Relic Priest 4 2 3 3 4 5 2 1 8
    Cold-blooded, Stubborn, Mage-Priest Palanquin, Shield of the Old Ones, may not be general but may be BSB (may not take a magic standard with other magic items though)
    Level 3 Wizard with Death, Beasts, Heavens or High Magic, may go up to Level 4 for 35 points
    May take up to two Disciplines for a total of 75 points

    Skink General (with fewer Saurus to fight, some Skink Chiefs find themselves rising above their station) 85 points
    M WS BS S T W I A Ld
    Skink General 6 5 6 4 4 3 6 4 8
    Aquatic, Scaly Skin 6+, Cold Blooded
    Respected Soldier: Skink General’s restrain Predatory Fighters within a 12 inch range
    Sniper, 10 points
    Scout 10 points, a single unit of Skirmishers may take Scout too for 1 point a model. Skink Generals may not deploy with Chamleon Skinks

    May be armed with one of the following:
    Additional hand weapon (unless mounted) 3 points
    Spear 2 points
    May be armed with one of the following
    Blowpipe 3 points
    Lustrian Javelins 2 points
    Lustrian Short Bow 2 points
    May take Light Armor 4 points
    May take Shield 3 points
    May be mounted on one of the following:
    Terradon 35 points
    Ripperdactyl 40 points
    Stegadon 215 points (may take Unstoppable Stampede and/or Sharpened Horns)
    Ancient Stegadon 230 points (may take Unstoppable Stampede, Sharpened, Horns and/or EOTG)
    Horned One 20 points
    Lurkerdon 50 points
    May buy up to 100 points of magic items but not armor.


    Scar Veteran – Unchanged

    Skink Priest – As is except may ride Troglodon for 215 points, automatically take Channel ability or a Horned One for 20 points

    Skink Chief – As is except may ride a Horned One for 20 points

    Chameleon Skink Master Stalker, 95 points, max 1 per Chameleon Skink unit
    M WS BS S T W I A Ld
    Master Stalker 6 3 5 3 3 2 6 2 6

    Blowpipe, hand weapon
    May choose one.
    Shield 2 points
    Additional Hand Weapon 2 points
    Cold Blooded, Chameleon, Scaly Skin 6+, aloof (may only join Chameleon Skinks and may never be general), Scout, Sniper.
    May buy up to 50 points of magic items but not magic armor.

    Skink Cohorts – stats the same but have the option of swapping javelin sand shields for poisoned short bows.

    Skink Skirmishers – Stats the same but have the option of taking poisoned short bows in place of blowpipes or javelins/shields.
    Horned One Riders
    M WS BS S T W I A Ld
    Skink Rider 6 3 3 3 2 1 4 1 6
    War Party Leader 6 3 3 3 2 1 4 2 6
    Horned One 8 3 0 4 4 1 3 2 5

    Unit Size 5+
    Skinks: Aquatic (NA) Scaly Skin 6+, Cold Blooded
    Horned Ones: Fear, Fast Cavalry, Cold Blooded
    Hand Weapons, Shields, Spears

    22 points Each
    War Party Leader: 10 points
    Musician: 10 points
    Standard Bearer: 10 points.
    One unit of Horned One Riders may take a magic Standard worth up to 25 points
    May Take one of the following:
    Lustrian Javelins: 2 points
    Lustrian Short Bows: 2 points


    Saurus Warriors: unchanged, except no longer Core

    Jungle Swarms, unchanged

    Kroxigors, add optional upgrade. Spawn Brother’s Coordination, 3 points a model. Kroxigor with this upgrade can charge through screens of Skink Skirmishers or Chameleon Skinks including units led by Skink characters on foot.

    Ripperdactyls, unchanged

    Bastiladons, unchanged

    Stegadons, unchanged

    Chameleon Skinks, unchanged

    Lurkerdons, Monstrous Cavalry trained from river predators Lustrian Lizardmen haven’t felt it worth bothering with
    M WS BS S T W I A Ld
    Skink Rider 6 3 3 3 2 1 4 1 6
    War Party Leader 6 3 3 3 2 1 4 2 6
    Lurkerdon 6 3 0 5 4 1 3 3 5
    Unit Size 3+
    50 points Each
    War Party Leader: 10 points
    Musician: 10 points
    Standard Bearer: 10 points.
    May take a magic Banner worth up to 50 points.
    Shields, spears
    Skinks: Coldblooded, Scaly Skin 6+ Aquatic
    Lurkerdon: Fear, Swiftstride, Aquatic, Sea Creature, Predatory Fighter, Cold Blooded, +2 additional armor save to riders

    Temple Guard, unchanged, except not Special

    Troglodon, unchanged

    Ancient Stegadon, unchanged

    Razordon packs, unchanged

    Salamander packs, unchanged

    Magic Items: Remove Blade of Realities, Piranha Blade, Sacred Stegadon Helm of Itza, Skavenpelt Banner, and teh Horn of Kygor. Add the following

    Add Staff of the Lost Sun 35, Short Bow with x3 multiple shots at S5 Flaming

    Add Horn of the First’s Fury: 40 points Enchanted Item, One use, all coldblooded units within 12 inches of the bearer gain PF. If they already have PF they get extra attacks on 5.

    Banner of the Rivers' Power: 35 point magic banner. All units gain within 12 inches gain Aquatic, Sea Creatures can march over land if within 12 inches of the bearer.

    Charm of Huanchi’s Power: 25 point enchanted item (one use). All units within 12 inches of the bearer gain +2 BS
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2019
  2. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Seems reasonable...

    hmm how big are the Lurkadons going to be ?
    I am imagining cavalry bases, but they could be monster bases too ???
  3. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I was thinking demigryph sized.
  4. Dreadgrass

    Dreadgrass Member

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    Love home-brew army lists, so first thing kudo's to you for the effort!

    I'm going to take a while to digest your ideas before jumping in with too many suggestions (also, are you looking for much in the way of suggestions, or is this more of a "this is what Im doing, would you play against it?" kind of thread?) but my 3 thoughts so far are:

    Relic Priests - love the concept, but would like to see them resemble Lord Kroaks rules a bit more...

    Lurkerdons - Monstrous cavalry with only 1 wound? (unless Im reading it wrong of course) also thinking poisoned attacks (for mount and rider) could be a cool upgrade for them perhaps?

    No super monster? We need something on a Stonehorn sized base, some giant Croc/ Thunderlizard or something!

    Again, not sure if your after just basic feedback, some suggestions or what, and not sure how far you want to stray from whats in the standard book, but if you'd like more suggestions/ ideas/ whatever let me know because you've got my wheels churning now! ;)
  5. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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  6. Wallice

    Wallice New Member

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    Loving it ^^ I'm making my army a southlands one, and I like using house rules with my friends, this ruleset could be really cool!

    Still I really want my Tyrannodon, the carnosaur just doesn't fill that iconic role in my heart. Then again I feel like the carnosaur should be a quicker sorta glass cannon monster, rather than a quick looking slowpoke (srsly how is an "ultimate predator" only init 2? it's prey can move before him ><) I'd love a T-Rex (working on a conversion atm) ridden by a skink chief running about being amazing. Stat-wise probably around a carnosaur...maybe something like:

    M6 WS3 BS0 S6 T6 W5 I2 A6 Ld5 Tyranndon 250pts
    Terror, Large Target, Cold Blooded, Predatory Fighter, Scaly Skin 4+
    Primeval Roar (yup the Troglodon one)
    Terrifying Presence
    - All enemy units in close combat with this creature loses steadfast
    (They are too scared to maintain absolute discipline)
    Must be taken as a mount for a skink chief or a skink general.

    Anyway just a thought, I'd love to hear more about southlands armies :3
  7. Lizardmatt

    Lizardmatt New Member

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    Nice. I've been working on the same type of thing.
    My version completely cut the slaan and old blood, added high priest, skink lord, and 3 special characters as lord choices. Heroes were priests, chiefs, skink oracles, and 2 special characters.

    Core: Cohorts, skirmishing skinks, jungle swarms, chameleon skinks (only half may scout), and horned ones.
    Specials: saurus warriors, bastiladons, steggadons, rippers, terradons, kroxigor, razordons.
    Rares: Troglodon, Steg Ancient, Salamander, Temple Guard, Wild Carnisaur (unmounted), wild cold ones (unmounted).

    None of the normal lizard items are usable, replaced with ~10 southlands items, all with a more voodoo/witch doctor theme.

    As for new stuff:
    I was thinking 3+ save horned ones, with predatory fighter on the mounts, and blood frenzy (any time the unit wins combat, the mounts gain/regain frenzy). Skinks have shields and spears, making for 3+ armor T2 fast cav.

    Skink High Priest gets lore of beast, heavens, highmagic or death (voodoo and all).
    Skink Lords give skinks in his unit +1 WS.
    Skink Oracle is Ld6 with T3 S4 A2, and gives any unit he joins predatory hunter, and can channel (think lizard warrior priest).

    Wild Carnisaur is 220 points, Cold Ones are 16 points each, unit of 3+.

    It's a leadership prone army, with LD7 from the skink lord as the best you can get; Ld8 on a special skink Lord (Shakka Zulutla).

    Anyhow, when I get around to flushing out the special characters and magic items, I'll post the list.

  8. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I basically took Tichi's Raiders lifted from the DOW forum's adaptation of this, then boosted the WS and raised the price a little. If I made Horned One Riders non-Core I might lower the price back to 20.

    I'm okay with feedback on this list or hearing other people's ideas, I know I'm not the only one. I'm just on a Southlands kick after getting absorbed into my own fluff piece.

    The idea is to stimulate discussion of other people's visions of Southlands armies as much as anything else
  9. Dreadgrass

    Dreadgrass Member

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    Apologies if my post caused offense (red text concerned me, not sure of intent as your response to N810 was not in red). To clarify, I was only meaning a few more similarities to Kroak, such as adding flammable and some stat adjustments. An example:

    Relic Priest - 300pts

    M WS BS _ S _ T_W _ I _ A _ LD
    4 _ 1 _ 1 _ 3 _ 5 _5 _ 1 _ 1 _ 9
    Reasoning: essentially Kroak with 1 less wound
    Sidenote: Any way to create some kind of rows/columns chart for stats? Cause that was a pain to setup lol

    Magic - As per Slann but lvl.3
    Reasoning: The slann could've been a Life mage or the like before death... Maybe it's a connection to Life magic that's sustaining him...? Just figure if Tomb Kings can run light magic...

    Special Rules: Cold Blooded, Palaquin, Shield of the Old Ones, Flammable, Fear
    Reasoning: This is the other area I meant they could be like Kroak, drop Telepathic Confabulation, add fear and flammable

    Ancient Relic: Unstable (if solo), ItP, BSB (automatically included in points), Cannot be the army general.
    Reasoning: He's pretty-much undead, so Unstable/ItP kinda seem to fit, BSB is to represent he's also a treasured artefact that the army rallies around, not being the general seems to just make sense, as I see Relic Priests being used more as weapons and inspirational rallying points rather than actually leading the army directly.

    Sacred and Revered: As per the Temple Guards Guardian ability, but also applies to saurus(?) and Skink Cohorts.
    Again, the Relic Priests are likely to be exceptionally protected, but a Southlands army is likely to be short on Temple Guard (given they're all probably guarding the live slann that remain), so the duty would fall to lesser saurus/ skinks. Not sure what to do about the base-size issues as yet. Also note the guardians rule doesn't confer stubborn/ItP. That's still the province of TG and their "Sacred Duty"

    Disciplines of The Old Ones:

    The Relic Priest may take up to 150pts of Disciplines. Up to 4 Disciplines may be chosen. Replace Focus of Mystery and Wandering Deliberations with Memories of a By-Gone Age and Echoes of Former Glory

    Memories of a By-Gone Age - 20pts: The Relic Priest may Generate his spells from 2 different lores.

    Echoes of Former Glory - 10/20/30pts: The slann knows 1/2/3 additional spell/s.

    Reasoning: I feel the 2 abilities removed make a slann the caster he is. With them removed it should differentiate the Relic Priest a little. Obviously the 2 abilities added are likely to be used in conjunction and can lead to a different style of caster. Also some of the other Disciplines would probably need a points adjustment,

    So that's a rough take on my thoughts, just aimed to make it a bit more towards the relic aspect than the slann side of things, especially if you still want a slann option. Points costs are off the top of my head and would probably need adjusting. Again, your idea is good too, just throwing a different spin on it for your consideration. ;)
    Scalenex likes this.
  10. Dreadgrass

    Dreadgrass Member

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    For anyone interested, dug up the old army book with the sacred spawnings in it and there's a "Southlands" list in the back. Remember this was from the "slots" era (need 2+ core, can have 0-3 special, 0-1 rare in a less than 2000pt list with no points restrictions) before percentages came out.

    Lords - Slann (limited to 4th/5th gen.), Scar-Veterans (yes, the hero level ones), 2 skink Heroes (per 1 "Lord" slot)

    Heroes - Skink Priests, Ckink Heroes

    Core - cohorts (which were a southlands only unit no Krox as in those days Krox could charge through skirmish-skinks instead), Skink Skirmishers, 0-1 jungle swarms

    Special - Horned One Riders, Saurus warriors (up to as many units as you had scar vets), Kroxigor, Terradons, 0-1 Chameleon skink units

    Rare - Stegadons (baby-stegs in this edition), SAlamander Hunting Packs, Temple guard (0-1 unit per slann), Dogs of War
  11. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    I believe southland also had access to short bows originally.
  12. lazycaptain35

    lazycaptain35 Member

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    Hello might be a little bit late to ask but, What is a lurkerdon?
  13. Felian

    Felian Member

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    In my update to the 8th edition I created a Relic Slann as well. It is basically a weaker Lord Kroak of Hero level, as he was the strongest slann ever.
    Basically it has slightly lower stats, 2nd level of magic and can cast only 1 spell

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