Army Fluff Zarmuda ~ The City of Waves

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by Lord Bufo, Aug 28, 2013.

  1. Lord Bufo

    Lord Bufo New Member

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    Zarmuda ~ The City of Waves

    Preamble: This is the fluff I've written for my new Lizardmen force. I'll start posting a log of my painting and conversions once I have some more models to show for it. I have big plans for this army with some very interesting mash-ups!

    Chapter 1: The Age of Lizards

    Geography: The temple city is built inside the rim of a crater island leaving no entrance into the lush basin within except a tiny cave that is only accessible when the tide is sufficiently low. The northern half of the Island is home to the large dormant volcano and a freshwater spring that pools and then flows in a river to the south; the southern half is home to many huge caverns and a large brackish bay. The island is large enough to support it's own population of stegadons and carnosaurs alongside the lizardmen. The tidal cave is a natural defense, there is only a 10 minute window every day when the cave is accessible by boat from the outside but it can be changed by mystical means if necessary. A reef of razor sharp coral creates another layer of defense against ships attempting to land on the island.

    Temple Cities: There are two temples on the island, The Northern Temple of Sotek and the Southern Temple of Tzunki. The city proper is based around the older northern temple and stretches between the fresh water lake and the volcano's edge. The smaller southern Temple sits in the middle of the bay; only accessible by boat, beast, swimming, or a Mage-Priest palanquin.

    Slann Mage-Priests: The first generation Slann who oversaw construction of the land and city was Cocijo The Hurricane Toad, a master of water and storms. The city was used in similar ways as Chupayotl as a basis for communication between cities. He died sealing not only the volcanic lava but also a portal to the chaos lands inside the volcano, cooling the lava with the ocean itself during an eruption, as Khorne himself attempted to unleash a horde of bloodletters through the volatile rift. After the dramatic battle the island became a place of tranquil beauty once again. The Mage-Priest's skull was mummified and his body encased in a statue of pure gold, complete with death mask. The city was ruled by Skinks all the way until the fifth spawning when Tlaloc the Lesser was born unto the city and an era of much progress ensued. He rebuilt the temple of the Sotek to its former glory and constructed his own, smaller, ziggurat in reverence to Tzunki on the opposite side of the Island with great vigor. It was from here that he drove off an invasion of dark elves attempting to breach the walls with grappling hooks. Calling upon his master Cocijo the two toads managed to create a whirlpool around the entire island, pulling the ships right out from beneath the Dark Elf raiders to the ocean floor below, only to be crushed by the weight of the ocean as it returned. After this battle he retired to his temple and began to meditate on the old ones plan for the City of Waves, entrusting the functions of society to the skinks once again. He has let time lap at his feet like the waves against the rocks waiting for the exact moment the Old Ones plan for the city to mobilize.

    Other Notable Figures: The tide can be controlled by a skink priest named Kaa Tidecaller who is tasked with keeping intruders out if they manage to slip in the narrow passage. He is guarded day and night by a cohort of skinks called the Grottoguard. The saurus who spawn from the volcanic soil have a dark red coloration to there skin and are known infamously by sailors of the region as "The Red Tide". Greatest among them is Grexxis the Wild who only emerges from the jungle in times of war, called not by the skinks but the spirit of Cocijo himself. He usually rides his carnosaur hunting partner Snaggletooth into battle.

    Misc. History: Commonly referred to by mercenaries, pirates, and dark elf sailors as Fool's Gold Island, the seems of rich minerals are visible glittering in the sun at the top of the rim. Riches there for all to see but almost guaranteed death awaits any who try to obtain them. The sailors do not realize that these are actually great glyphs and carvings etched into the rocks high above by the lizardman natives. Many documented expeditions to the island have been launched by numerous races but no one has least not yet. Rumor has it a young Estalian lord has garnered enough wealth for a crew and a ship; planning to sail to the island and claim the land and riches for himself, his family, and the Queen of Magritta.
  2. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Great bit of Fluff man, I can't wait to see your army themed around it. :smug:
  3. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I agree, good fluff and likely to suggest interesting paint schemes.
  4. Lord Bufo

    Lord Bufo New Member

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    Thanks for the feedback! Slowly getting my forces together.

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