On the off chance that they forgot, like the warpfire throwers and such, are the burning alignment's hits flaming?
Should be, but now that the universal 'flaming' rule is in the rulebook if it doesn't say flaming in the description it cannot be counted as such unfortunately...
I don't think that's lame at all, otherwise I'd have to deal with freaking Dragon Princes that are immune to it!
Yeah it is a bit of a toss up, some things are immune to fire while others are vulnerable to it. I think I would actually prefer it to be flaming, I fight lots more flammable or regenerating things than I fight dragon princes, which are about all I can think of that are immune to it.
I agree. I often play against High elves and dragon princes would totally be a pain if the burning alignment had flaming attacks. Though it's only one army, against most armies burning attacks are only good, like trolls, tomb kings and treekin etc. A magical engine of the Old Ones that sends waves of divine energy...and counts as mundane? Makes no sense. What does it shoot? Some sort of spikes or darts? What the hell? I don't believe someone could honestly think that the ENGINE OF THE GODS does not cause magical damage.
For YEARS, dwarf players had to deal with the fact that the Flame Cannon didn't make flaming attacks. That made even less sense. Of course, when facing high elves they always seemed to be quick to agree that it was indeed a flaming attack. I can see people arguing that the Engine doesn't list the attack as magical, and that it is described as a piece of the Old Ones technology. I am not one of those people, but I can see that happening. If people can debate the flame cannon, when FLAME is part of its name, I think they will challenge the Engine of the Gods... even if it was called the "magical blaster". There is no getting through to some people.
Eh, it happens in the magic phase. Really what happens in the magic phase that isn't classed as magic? No spells specifically say 'magic attack' yet it is very obvious they are. Same thing. No question about the magic. Flaming ability definitely cannot be claimed until it is specifically said to be flaming though... I know none of my gaming group would try to claim it wasn't magic, and if I faced someone that did I would tell them to stfu.
Also, dwarves and their rune of furnace. A dwarf lord in gromril losing his AS is awesome.... unless they are flaming attacks.... The guy I play always has "40 points of" runes on his characters and uses those points as needs arise in mid game.
What a jack-ass runemeister. Our groups theory is that it is in fact a perfectly mundane weapon that uses "stargate" level technology, and is essentially some sort of laser or force field or disintegrate weapon. (also why it can't be dispelled, because it's actually technology, not true magic)
I don't see how there could be any disagreement? It is most Definitely magical. "this cannot be dispelled"..... Is there some kind of normal non magical attacks that need that by line written into their rules????? I figures that would only apply to a magical attack