7th Ed. 1500 southlands vs beastmen

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Fall3n_Ang3l, Jul 1, 2008.

  1. Fall3n_Ang3l
    Jungle Swarm

    Fall3n_Ang3l New Member

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    ok so thger was a decent amount of terrain
    green = forest
    brown= hill
    black = house

    i opted for a refused flank for my deployment so that i could try to use my speed to my advantage

    my army was this.

    1. skink priest lvl 2. general. diadem of power. celestial shield. portant of far

    2. skink priest lvl 2. rod of the storm. uranons thunder. portent of far

    3. skink priest lvl 2. scout. second sign. lightning.

    4. 10 skinks. scout. BP

    5. 10 skinks. SB

    6. 10 skinks. SB

    7. 10 skinks. Jav

    8. 20 skink cohorts. standard

    9. 2 ungle swarms

    10.3 terradons.

    11. 3 krox

    12. 6 cham skinks. brave

    13. 2 sal.

    his army was this.

    1. wargor. tzeench. some wargear including the one that gives you hatred and ears anger spell. general. violet fire.

    2. wargor. tzeench. red fire and something else.

    3. wargor. bsb

    4. 20 strong beastherd

    5. 20 strong beastherd

    6. chariot

    7. chariot

    8. 15 pestigord. FC

    9. 10 centigors

    ok so i won first turn and went first. i moved everything in a forward direction.
    my magic pahse was short as was my shooting phase was short and i only took a wound of the chariot in the east.

    his first turn. he moved everything of his forward exept his centigors who failed their drunkness and stupidly moved 3" forward and on the east moved his wargor towards my scouting units in the forest. his magic phase was also short and nothing went off.

    my turn 2 i stayed where i was with my cc untis and my shooting guys moved into better positions. i also moved my skink priest out of the woods cause the wargor was closing in. my magic phase was a lil better getting a few spells off. i killed a pestigor and 3 centigors.
    in my shooting phase i managed to take out the chariot on the east whilst i directed some fire to his wargor #2 which he saved all.

    his turn two saw him move clser and he also turned his centigors to face my terradons. ( i didint know they had throwing axes....=(.) he declared a chrage against my skink priest with wargor #2 but was out of range.
    in the magic phase he managed to kill my skink preist with red fire but nothing else.

    my turn three and i had a few charges. i charged my skink cohorts and sal into the front his pestigor my jungle swarms into his flank and terradons into his rear. i also charged my krox into his gerneral. he decided to flee with his pesigor. but roled poorly for his distance and was caught by my skinks. his general failed his fear est and fle straight into those same skinks =).
    in my shooting phase i finally managed to kill his other wargor and a few more centogors.

    his turn three saw his herds arive where he wanted them to. he moved his chariot forward and turned his centigors around and moved them towards my skinks.

    my turn four and i moved my units down to counter charge his herds whilkst my chams went to deal with his centigors.
    in my magic phase i unleashed rod of the storm on his chariot. but rolled poorly for the amount of hits and took off one wound.
    in my shooting phase i killed a few from the centigors and herd on the east.

    his turn four saw him charge his 3 centigors into the rear of my skink cohorts. as well as chrging my skinks i the woods. who decided to flee and JUST got away.
    he also moved his remaing chariot around the base of the hill and his other herd up.
    in the cc phase he killed 3 skinks and i ran away and got away safley.

    my turn 5 saw me charge his south herd with my sal and terradons and his eastn unit with my krox. they all held and passed their fear tests. )=.
    i alaso killed all bar the final centigor. (champ) in the shooting and magic phase and another wound on the chariot.
    in cc i killed 2 with my terradons and 2 with my sal. and killed 4 with my krox. both units held.

    no turns were played after this as we were out of time as the gw shop was closing and we were both happy to call it.
    we called it a massacre and i went home happy.

    all in all i lost
    1 skink priest
    3 cohorts
    4 handlers
    1 wound of a krox
    1 wound of a sal

    and thats it =)

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  2. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Sounds like a fun battle thanks for sharing, although I couldn't get the images to work here.
  3. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    Awesome that was my saurus post :)
  4. Apollo3

    Apollo3 New Member

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    Nice job on the cleanup! Having played beastmen for several years though, I can tell you that was a pretty soft list. two big beastherds are easy points for an army like lizzies, and he had no minotaurs. Also his army was illegal. His general was marked tzeentch, so he isn't allowed to take any other marks in the army other than undivided so the pestigors (mark of nurgle) were illegal. Not that I know why he'd want to take pestigors, they are not a very competitive choice. Also with his ambushing, only half of the units that have the ambush special rule can be deployed in ambush, so he should have only been able to ambush with one of his herds.

    but anyways, good job on the win! keep it up!

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