Hello gang! I ordered a Carnosaur from GW's homepage two weeks ago, and when it arrived, I noticed that they had supplied me with a 100 x 50 mm base (same as stegs) to go with him, instead of the expected 50 x 50 mm base. I was wondering if this is perhaps some new rulechange on their part, a simple case of misspackaging, or perhaps a sign of things to come with the new book. Anyone have any idea? Would like to know if i should run with the base I recived, or exchange it for a 50x50 mm one. Cuddoes!
I think it was a misship since the website still shows Kroq-Gar should come with a 50mm square base. But if you don't mine being longer I'd keep the 100x50. You'll be able to base him on that and not have him conflict with every infantry troop he runs into. My guys head sticks so far out over the base I have to turn him sideways in all combats and since mine was metal he tips over.
I'm suprised they haven't done it earlier, he was highly unstable on the 50x50 base and he barely fit, I had to base him on an extended fake rock of the back of my base so he wouldn't fall forward constantly.
Hadn't thought about that. I think i'll keep the larger base in this case. It wont matter for return attacks to the front, and if i get flanked on a carnosaur im doing something wrong. Will be nice not to have to turn him around all the time when he's in combat. Cheers guys.
Technically speaking, not "all" monsters are on 50x100 mm bases. There are a few on 100x150 mm bases (Arachnarok and Terrorgeist for example). However, those are the exception.