Does anyone have a good step that shows a step by step tutorial on how to paint terradons and rippers ?] Thanks
You can check out the white dwarf magazine. In the Paint Splatter section it gives you a step by step tutorial for both of these. If that doesn't do it for ya, just check out some of the painting logs others have made. There's TONS of inspiration and great work in these pages. Hope this helps.
Its the August issue (the month the book was updated). It's got lizardmen right on the cover, can't miss it.
Unfortunately it seems that none of the games workshops carry that issue anymore because the new one is about to be released. Any other idea where I can get it ?
Don't know if you have an iPad. If you do, you can go to the newstand and buy issues of WD. The electronic format is kind of fun. Able to zoom pictures, 360 pix, and video analysis/discussion of the batreps by the players.
GW changed their policy on WD. Now as soon as the new WD is release old copies are no longer allowed to be sold. Maybe you can order back issues direct through GW website?