got some questions about putting together ripperdactyls 1. whats the deal with the collars ? it says not to glue them to the neck. I have put 2 together so far , are the collars suppose to be loose? 2. I have made the riders separate but when I go to stand them on the backs there handle does not match up to the collar and im not sure where they stand. 3. has anyone tried magnetising the flying stand and the ripper so they can come off for transport? how did you do it? thank you
I glued the collars and have had no problem with it. I also glued the riders to the ripperdactyl, In don't see why you wouldn't. Regarding travel, the new flying stands mean you can put the rippers on them without sticking them.
god dam these f ing things ive had to make one as a chief as the champ one is well out of position. when you say you glued the collars did you glur them to the neck if so how far forward did you glue them. the problem I have is the riders arm that holds on , their handles don't line up accurate enough (not flat against the collar. if I do line it up then the feet are not in the right place and don't sit flat against the back of the ripper. maybe its just a bad batch but these models are the worst ive had to build
I had no problem with them I got two boxes didn't have any issue. The hands should fix to the side like bike handle bars but one of the gets fixed to the middle I'm not what you mean by where on the neck to put it as the necks are short May you could take a picture show the problem Because really enjoyed the kit the booklet was pretty clear and understandable to me