What is cooking good looking? I'm DatWanGai. Pleased to meet you all! I'm a 16 y/o student who has decided to start "Warhammer" with the lizardmen as my first army (cuz I mean come on, they're frickin dinosaurs!). I don't have much experience beyond watching a crap load of tutorials, but i've instantly fallen in love with these little reptiles. It's cool to see a community fond of the blue buggards and i am looking forward to hearing your tips, critisisms and hopefully your compliments *shudders* ( Oh yeah thats the stuff ). This is the part where I show you a picture of my first skink. But I'm a noob to all of this so I still have no idea what to do... *sigh*. Looking forward to staying here!
The Tactica index should help you get started on figuring out how to play various units (it's linked in my signature). Once you get some exposure to gameplay and fluff, you should check out the fluff subforum and read everything with Spawning of Bob. You might get some painting inspiration from the Painting forum. If you Picasso-quality paint jobs intimidate you rather than inspire you, there are few medicore painters too. Such as this one Adequate Painting
Finally figured out how to upload a picture. So i present to you my very first ( finished ) Lizardman!! I am currently doing a skink platoon and a shaman. Will upload those where they belong.