8th Ed. Lizardmen vs Warriors of Chaos need some advice

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Arraine, Sep 9, 2013.

  1. Arraine

    Arraine New Member

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    Hello everyone,

    I have recently bought the new army book. Very eager to try out the new beasties, I had several battles against Warriors of Chaos but I encounter the same problems every time and don't know how to fix them. The games were 1000/1500 points so I am looking for suggestions of army lists on a smaller scale. Although be warned, I haven't got very much experience with Warhammer at all so some of my issues might be very stupid :p

    I tend to run with Tetto'eko for the loremaster. I find Lore of Heavens extremely useful, strong with missiles and has nice buffs. I also tried adding a lvl 1 skink priest with Lore of Beasts to either luck out on an awesome spell or have the signature +1 S/T buff.

    I added a bastilladon and tried both Ark of Sotek and Solar Engine. They both have their uses though I prefered Solar Engine as strength 2 of the swarms really doesn't do much to the tough chaos warriors. However my main problem with the bastilladon was that it ended up fighting groups of warriors that would win the combat big time by the wounds caused and having a low leadership, it fled.

    I chose a Stegadon next which always seems to do well so no issues there. I was wondering though whether he can use his innate bound spell (and same question for the bastiladon) while in combat, provided that he targets a unit that is not in combat.

    As my core I ran with a block of 30 saurus and a couple of smaller skink units with javelins to annoy and shoot and hold up.

    I can never seem to win combats though seeing as warriors of chaos have higher initiative making them wipe out half my unit before I can even attack as well as very often winning so heavily that I needed snake eyes. At least half my games my saurus block flees and gets ran down with 20 of them left.

    And finally, how on earth do I deal with a Chimera? Very tough, good armor save, 4+ regeneration and somewhere around 8 attacks depending on its tail. It's devastating :(. I bombarded it with my spells which may solve the problem but it makes me lose most of my dice on 1 model, being forced to ignore my units and the rest of enemy's units.

    I will appreciate any tips and answers greatly, thanks :)
  2. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    Welcome to the forum!!

    Unfortunately WoC are tough cookies. Our best trick against them is Lore of Metal on a Slann. You'll have him crying mercy if you pull that on him. At 1500 points you can easily fit in a Slann with a few upgrades. Even going with a High Magic Slann you can always get access to spells from the Lore of Metal. I would definitely look into that.

    The default answer to any Monster is Skink Skirmishers. Chimera is an SoB for sure but if you can wound it with a spell from Metal to knock off Regeneration, the Skinks will make short work of it.

    Second best option for taking out Monsters would be a Scar-Vet Cowboy. Dig around the Tactics section to find good builds for one of those guys. Scalenex does and excellent job archiving all the relevant builds and tactics into one easy to find place.

    Saurus will always lose to Warriors in a straight fight. If you can get any buffs on your Saurus it will help to tip the tables a little bit. Wyssan's Wildform is gravy and Iceshard Blizzard are decent for helping you win a fight. But if you bring in a High Slann or a Light Slann, you'll be a happy camper.
  3. Itzamuddiz

    Itzamuddiz New Member

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    I agree this is 1 of our hardest match ups and has been for a while. I'm still struggling to find answers also. With all the nurgle out there and demon princes a straight up fight is pointless.
    Avoid, contemplate some metal and poison away. Stegs charging D princes with the d3 wounds is good also into there general units for the stomps is good and back them up with scar vets. I always look for a small win. Anything above that is gravy
  4. Walheim95

    Walheim95 New Member

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    I also play against WOC and i have this trouble to, though i would have to agree with the person above, roll with a slann mage and lore of metal and you'll do much better! :)
  5. Noveltyboy

    Noveltyboy New Member

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    I have a 3k game against them on Monday. I will let you know how it goes. I know my opponent is new to the army and isn't a great player anyway as I often do teaching games with him but I have always had trouble against warriors as they are better than saurus and my army is saurus heavy. I'm going to run a high slaan as I think hand of glory can help swing a fight and tempest will help deal with his mass marauder units. I know he runs the Valkyrie character too so I am hoping to un-forge her nasty weapon and knock her down with some Steggy charges. Salamander are also much better against Chaos. the -3 armour save was nice before but no the 5's to wound. now its a 4+ they may have a better save but they will be taking more of them. Dragon Ogres should drop like fly's to Steggy impact hits too.
  6. Itzamuddiz

    Itzamuddiz New Member

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    Salamanders will be great against the blocks. Especially when you get the panick check away from a general or bsb. Maybe contemplate some death to assist. Stegs sharpened horns will also help with those multi wound nasties

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