7th Ed. Need help with my army

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Jim, Apr 25, 2009.

  1. Jim

    Jim New Member

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    Hi, basically im quite new to warhammer and decided to go with the lizardmen. Im not sure on really what units are best to play and looking for someone to help me decide on my best army list and roughly how many points in total my army would be?

    ill leave a list of my army

    Unit of temple guard
    3 x saurus Units
    3 x kroxigor
    2 x stegadon
    1 x kroq on carnosuar
    1 x slann
    1 x skink unit
    1 x cold one unit
    1 x skink priest
    1 x scar vet

    also if anyone has any suggestions on anything i should add to my army would be good also.

    Oh and sorry i know im asking alot here but also the best tactics for lizardmen? ive read a fwe articles on here to get a general feel.

  2. pika82

    pika82 New Member

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    first this list will be around 3000 points because 2 lords and if i were you i wouldn't use kroq he is to expensive i rather use an oldblood on carnosur with magic items
  3. Aparach

    Aparach New Member

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    Ok, you have a few obvious choises in lesser battles like >2000 pts like slann/oldblood.
    I would suggest you take at least 2 blocks of saurus and in most my list I also find room for a priest as he works great as a scroll caddie. Don't take TG unless you go with a slann, Stegadons can be devestating and I would recomend using at leat one as a Engien of the Gods if your pts allow it. you should add a unit or two with skirmishers as they are wonderfull in taking out any lightarmored units as well as they're highly mobile.
  4. ACe

    ACe New Member

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    Temple guard can be used as a great shock unit without a slann. Get 10-12 temple guard and place them 2x5 or 2x6 (+ maybe a scar-veteran?). Saurus blocks with spears are a terrible foe to encounter. They send 21 S4 attacks into the battle and are T4 themselves, with Ld8 cold-blooded they are very unlikely to flee, especially if you have a cold one riding hero with them (making them immune to fear and partially terror).

    Use stegadons to scare the enemy off and to strike at enemies you wish to hold in position (or crush), so that your saurus blocks may use them as a wall of steel to counter the saurus' bad manoeuvrability. When I play without a slann (which is most of the time) I usually take the engine of the gods priest with diadem of power to protect my army from 1. missile fire and 2. magic. It also gives a good punch against enemy heavy cavalry with burning alignment. Blowpipe skink skirmishers rule against big guys with low armour such as griffons, eagles, ogres etc. In addition they are the bane of fast cavalry.

    When creating an army, first decide what kind of army you want to play. Is it a full close combat crazy saurus block horde or is it a skink screened shock army with lots of monsters and well...skinks. What lord choice are you going to play (if any, Gor-Rok is a great general for instance) and how does that effect your build. Then get magic defence (and perhaps offence). Are you going to take just one skink priest with some scrolls or perhaps two with an engine of the gods? Next: if you want some bulk like saurus warriors or temple guards to beef up your force. When you have these, you are ready to start tuning your army with special and rare choices to your liking.

    You being a beginner, I strongly recommend you take atleast a few big (15-20) units of spear equipped saurus warriors and some skink skirmishers with blowpipes.
  5. Jim

    Jim New Member

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    Thanks very much for all your info guys, i personally like the close combat so ill probably build my army to do mostly that, altho i like the salamanders aswell.
  6. Aren

    Aren New Member

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    When deciding what to add to your army, I would consider the following:

    Salamanders/razordons: These guys give you some much needed firepower and adds spice to your army. Razordons are good for defending a flank of your army with their stand and shoot. Salamanders are good when facing armies with many ranked units. They can soften up the enemy's line before your saurus and steggies hit home.

    Terradons: Great for taking out war machines and killing lone wizards and scouts with their rocks. I always take at least 1 unit being able to go war machine hunting in any army (which becomes especially vital when you have a stegadon or 2).

    I would also add more skink skirmishers to screen your precious saurus warriors (f you only have 10 of them or so). Run 2 units or more of 10-12 skinks.

    Good luck with your lizzies ;)

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