8th Ed. Competitive tactica

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Draxack, Sep 4, 2013.

  1. KillerK

    KillerK Member

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    If you want a competitive list, I'd leave the carno home, he is not cost effective, and gives his point away too easily.

    If you are an inexperienced player then saurus could be a good choice, as they forgive many mistkes. But a 2 unit army is just weak. When playing with non competitive friends or GW events it's fine.

    But in more serious games, or if you want to mop the floor with your opponent, you want a guerrilla type army, with lodes of skink skirmishers, terradons/ripperdons. Scar-Vets cowboys and a slan. Leave the big monsters at home.
  2. Lizardmatt

    Lizardmatt New Member

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    I'm not sold on this anymore. Saurus have some good match ups, and skinks have some really bad ones.
    From what I've seen, the lower leadership can be exploited by a smart opponent, who chooses charge angles the drive the skinks away from the slaans leadership.
    The slaan, while still solid, isn't the magical powerhouse he used to be.
    Skink + Krox blocks now only seem to work as flanking support.
    The Guerrilla war isn't the clear cut best it used to be.

    The Trog and Carnisaur really are sub-par, but the monster mash (engine, 3 bastiladons, 3 steggadons, a 400 point slaan and minimum core), does work, and out saturates enemy warmachines (with 7 monsters).

    I think Saurus can be effective in a very competitive build, as the exploit of saurus (purple sun), is still possible to deal with (we now generate more dispel dice, have additional wizard assassins in the form of ripperdactyles, still have 2 dispel scrolls, and can re-roll to dispel; also a solar reduces losses slightly by increasing initiative and the slaan auto passes the test in temple guard units).
  3. Draxack

    Draxack New Member

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    Can't because my third has a channeling rod.

    For the spells I was thinking of using wyssan's as one spell for each skink priests
    and lore of heaven roll for the other spell (I like the idea of comet of casandora)

    Now do you guys have any idea if Wyssan's stacks?
  4. Dreyer
    Cold One

    Dreyer New Member

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    Yes it stacks
  5. Spiney Norman

    Spiney Norman New Member

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    Just reading your post it sounds like you want take one spell of each Skink Priest from beasts and the other from heavens. You can't actually do that, every wizard must choose one single lore and roll all his spells from that lore unless he has some special rules that allow him to take from more than one (like the slann's wandering deliberations)

    Also, as someone who has used the lore of heavens on my skink priest for the last 2 and a half editions comet of Cassandora is not that great, its very hard to make it come down exactly when and where you want it and as a result is fairly easy to spend a lot of dice casting it and find it does little to know damage. The reason you want the lore of heavens is really for iceshard blizzard and chain lightning.
  6. Lizardmen_Jeff

    Lizardmen_Jeff New Member

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    to add to that, I usually default to iceshards on my lvl 1 since chain lightning is pretty hard to get off w him. It can be devistating though! Imo ice shards is one of the best sig spells in the game, cheap casting for -1 to hit, artillary can only shoot on a 4+ and -1 ld...yes please! :meh:
  7. MarchoftheStegs

    MarchoftheStegs New Member

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    This is so True when you can get off curse of anraheir (beasts) and ice shard on a unit in the same phase it is just hilarious. This happened with my TG against a unit of plague bearers you have never seen so many whiffs.

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