8th Ed. 2500, vs empire, dark elves and ogres

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Lizardmatt, Sep 12, 2013.

  1. Lizardmatt

    Lizardmatt New Member

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    1 list, 3 games.
    I wanted to give the ethereal slaan a shot, seemed like it wouldn't be a bad idea since I should see a good number of warmachines.

    Slaan: Channel, Channel Staff, Ethereal, BSB, lore of Death. I really like the theme of death magic on the relic slaan, it just seems right.

    Scar Vet, light armor, shield, dragon helm, biting blade
    Scar Vet, light armor, enchanted shield, sword of might
    (I'm too cheap to spring for cowboys. T5 2+ is good enough)

    Skink Priest, level 1 (vassal for death magic).

    2x23 Spear Saurus, standard and musician (each joined by a scar vet for more hitting power).
    10 Skink Scouts (priest meat shield)
    10 Skink Cohorts (throwaway unit)

    2 Solar Engines (got to use those bonus power dice somewhere)
    4 Krox, flanking support.
    2x8 Chameleons, disrupt the backfield, distractions
    2x3 Ripperdactyles, I want to give the bloat toads a try.

    2x Salamanders, 2 extra handlers.

    I'm trying to over-saturate the cannons. Chameleons and rippers give a very real threat early on to cannons, as does a spirit leech through the vassal.
    Salamanders and the Solar Engines are prime cannon targets, but aren't immediate threats.

    The hard targets I'm worried about are steamtanks, dreadlord with reverse ward, and the slaughtermaster. All three of those really don't like death magic. Mournfangs/demigryphons are another problem, but a flank charge by rippers have a good shot at breaking them. With 2x Solar Engines, I'm not too worried about hydras. Most other issues can be solved by S4 spears and salamanders.

    I'm pretty confident in the list, I think I've got a lot of flexibility with how I deal with the enemy, and have enough back up units where I can take a hit.

  2. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    oh beast or heavens skink priest? :shifty:
  3. Madrck
    Temple Guard

    Madrck Member

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    I'm still fairly new to warhammer, so feel free to ignore me completely
    But don't the rippers have a great chance of killing the Dreadlord? killing blow at st3
    I will be facing a steamtank in the not too distant future too, so if you find a good answer let me know
    Don't even know what a slaughtermaster looks like hahaha
  4. Lizardmatt

    Lizardmatt New Member

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    The problem is, they only hit the dreadlord on a 5+ (he's WS7), and he gets his reverse ward save, (saving one a 4 or less, since rippers are strength 4). He's also initiative a boatlord, and he should drop the one ripper before it swings.
    I would hope to scare the dreadlord into staying away then actually throwing them at him to fight.

    As for the steam tank, it's Ld8. Spirit Leech. The other two death snipes have a chance at a wound or two as well.

  5. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Solid list. My first instinct is to say to take TWO Skink Priests, but that would necessitate another unit of Skirmishers and I don't know what I'd trim to free up the points, so stay the course I guess.

    If you haven't picked a lore yet, I'd recommend Heavens for Iceshard Blizzard. There is a lot of shooting in the three armies you expect to be facing.
  6. Lizardmatt

    Lizardmatt New Member

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    Are the chameleons worth it?
    For the cost of 2 units of 8 chameleons, I could get 4 units of 10, or 2 skirmishing units of 10.

    I'm kind of inclined to shift to more core skinks. I think they'll get about the same job done, only with less complaints.


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