Army Fluff Dhun-Di, Great Oracle of Itzl (Fluff for a home-Brew SC)

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by Dreadgrass, Sep 12, 2013.

  1. Dreadgrass

    Dreadgrass Member

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    Hi all,

    So I'm planning on converting up a suitable centrepiece for my Southlands-esque army and have written up some fluff to go with him. Tinkering with rules atm as my local Gaming group is talking about a campaign built around some home-made Special Character's. (also, if anyone could help me out with Southlands fluff, or even better, with a Southlands map with lizardmen places of interest etc. in greater detail than the current army book I'd be very grateful.)

    The mercenary company had made camp by a fast-flowing tributary, resting themselves after an arduous march before they began their final push for home. The jungle hereabouts was too dense for wagons, but when they stumbled across an artefact-rich treasure trove so close to a strong-flowing river, the companies captain ordered several large rafts built and they had made good progress downstream. All the men had to do was march to either side of the rippling waters and chase off anything lurking in the undergrowth. An easy score.... or so they thought...

    the Oracle Dhun-Di was marked for a singular part in the Old Ones plan from the moment of his spawning. When he emerged alone from the pools shifting morass with his head and snout adorned by 3 majestic horns in addition to the forked tail of an Oracle and the palms of his hands shimmering a sheer white. The plaques of the Southlands Slann were clear on these momentous portents and the young skink was escorted to a vast catacomb deep in the jungle, at the center of which lay a vault that none 'til now could open. Reverentially Dhun approached the monolithic door and placed his palms upon it's weathered surface.

    Runic inscriptions carved to either side of the vast entrance glowed, and the barrier that had stood for centuries became as sand and collapsed to the floor, revealing the chamber beyond. Within there slumbered a crocodilian beast of monstrous proportions, an ancient terror set to hibernate until called by it's herald to stalk the surface world once more. Once again, Dhun-di raised his hands, this time placing them upon the great creatures snout. The dust of uncountable years took to the air as reptilian eyes snapped open, and a blast of fetid air snorted from slitted nostrils. the Scion of Itzl, a great Terrodile had awoken.

    The chamber also housed another wonder, wrought of precious metals and Obsinite a giant Howdah, made in the shape of a canoe or similar vessel, sat pride-of-place among a collection of other relics. Several wardrums were built into it's chassis and arcane glyphs were etched upon it's sides. With great reverence, skink priests directed a work party of kroxigor and skink artisans to place the dais upon the Terrodiles back and make it fast.

    Through the whole process, the great beast and Dhun-Di were immobile, there gazes locked as their minds and spirits entwined. Once the howdah was mounted however, the trance ended. Dhun-Di vaulted into the prow, whilst a crew of skinks hand-picked by the attendant Priests took up their places about the drums. When all was in readiness, the Terrodile finally lifted it's great bulk from it's resting place and turned to the rear of the chamber, where a great pool glistened in a phosphorous glow, and waded into it's depths until the waters swallowed beast, master, crew and vessel.

    In the years that followed, Dhun-Di has appeared on the eve of many great battles to lead the armies of the Southlands. It is believed he travels through a vast network of subterranean rivers, allowing him to quickly traverse great distances with exceptional speed. He has also discovered many secret grotto's and sunken ruins from whence many lost artifacts have been recovered.

    Dhun-Di looked with satisfaction over the remains of the humans camp. "The greed of this race defies description," he thought as he mulled over the short and bloody battle.

    When the humans had spied an ornate and gem encrusted vessel sliding down the tributary towards them, they had immediately leapt to the banks of the river, wading into the shallows in their haste to detain it. Their lust had turned to fear and confusion, as the undergrowth surrounding the camp erupted with poisoned missiles and venomous creatures. More men fled to the river, seeking the assumed safety of the rafts but a group of Kroxigor emerged from the water to smash the makeshift boats to kindling. Terrified and surrounded, the captain finally managed to rally his remaining men at the waters edge, gathering them into a fighting formation at the bank where the strange ship seemed to be headed. He had intended to commandeer the boat and escape but all hope died as the gilded vessel reared up out of the water and the massive beast that dwelt beneath it was revealed...

    "The survivors will be given to the jungle in reverence to Itzl, and all sign of this incident must be erased." Dhun-Di chittered to his subordinates, "And move the trinkets to the next location, the second group of invaders passed the third waypoint last night and will be there soon...
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  2. thedarkfourth

    thedarkfourth Well-Known Member

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    Terrodile Dhun-Di! Love it! Would love to hear more of his bushwhacking adventures :)
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  3. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    If had emotions, I would feel sorry for all warmbloods. They are so screwed.

    You have to give us the campaign fluff as you go.

    By the way is this an effort to make Trog model cool? What are his stats and rules?

    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  4. Dreadgrass

    Dreadgrass Member

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    Can't tell you how pleased I am people got the reference, was afraid I'd have to re-name him Ur-Whin so people'd catch on lol.

    Have a couple more fluff pieces floating around in my head, such as being sent to wherever the campaign is being based, probably some wacky adventures along the way... how much will probably depend on how long it takes to get the campaign up and running (which, knowing my group, could be a while, so look forward to "Terrodile Dhun-Di 2, and "Terrodile Dhun-Di in Los Ang-.... The Empire).

    Model plan is the Mierce Miniatures Kadamaster (which is a dirty-great-big croc, see Stormfrogs Plog for a real nice steg/palanquin-converted one) with a scratch-built palanquin/boat (as I wanted something huge that would be a suitable centrepiece even in a steg/carno list). Going to use the skink-oracle from the Carno/Trog pack, add some horns and build him a suitably ornate Trident/spear (that's not a spear! THIS is a spear!).

    Rules are still WIP. He's essentially based of Tehenhauin stats/points-wise with the Terrodile being a suitably tough aquatic combat gribbly. Will post up my rough draft sometime today, though probably under General as I'll like some feedback on them. Speaking of feedback, I'm happy to take any-and-all. I'm trying to break into being an author so Dhun's adventures are a nice way to help iron out the creases in my writing "style" (disclaimer, the use of the term "style" in no way intimates Dreadgrass has any. His wife would attest to this)

    EDIT: First Draft of rules are here -
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.

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