8th Ed. Online Simulated Battle: Help our Cold Blooded Brethren!

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by Scalenex, Sep 14, 2013.

  1. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    The Empire forum occasionally tries out lists via a computer program against various other armies.

    They are currently working on a 2500 point game of LM vs. Empire and the LM team could use some input if any of you want to join me in giving the LM team contradictory advice.

    LM army list and strategy discussion thread
  2. Dreadgrass

    Dreadgrass Member

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    I don't have a presence on the Empire forum, so will just post some advice here and you can pass it on if you find it useful. Advice only based on tweaking the 1st list only thusfar:

    Slann - Personally I'd prefer a skink skirmisher bodyguard over Unstable and Ethereal for him for around the same points. If running the ethereal route though, I'd consider dropping Obsidian Amulet and Swiftness Banner for Lichebone Pennant and Dragonbane Gem. You already have a good amount of anti-magic items in the list so lowering your MR by 1 isn't huge, and Dragonbane Gem covers you against Flaming-magic cannons (Dwarves and Daemons). Egg of Quango could also be good on him in case he gets stuck in a combat to help him avoid dying to combat res.

    Magic - I don't feel you'll have enough dice in a phase to do justice to all the casters this list is taking. With a lvl.4 Light mage and Tetto'eko's Loremaster ability, you should have more than enough buff-spells once the lines meet. Maybe consider swapping the Lore of Beasts that the Priests have over to Heavens for Iceshard Blizzard (and the slim chance of double comet!) As it will require you to statistically throw less dice and can also help shut down warmachines.

    Core - If you don't like saurus or Skrox units, why not try a horde of skinks (40+) with poisoned attacks? They're more of a tarpit-with-teeth than the dedicated Anvil a saurus-brick is, but I've been finding their speed, weight of poisoned attacks/shots and tactical flexibility (eg. re-forming into 5-wide steadfast unit if facing something you need to purely hold up/ can't inflict meaningful damage on) have been serving me well.

    Would also suggest maybe another chief on Terradon or 2 for "Great Eagle" duties, as it's a bit light on manoeuvrable and expendable chaff/ warmachine hunters. Again, Egg of Quango could be slipped onto 1 of them to vaporise a particularly annoying chaff unit or support a vital combat.
  3. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I have passed the message and will pass the message of anyone who wants to give input but doesn't want to join the Prodigal's forum.

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