8th Ed. a slightly different approach

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Khaluk, Sep 15, 2013.

  1. Khaluk

    Khaluk Member

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    So... Recently I posted a list, that was very heavy on Characters. It was quite good, I won against the other orc player. But came to think of it, I was too terrified, that he would shoot my Oldblood. I remember hiding him all game, which resulted in him being practically useless and me, actually playing with a 2300 list instead :shifty:

    Now.. My chiefs on Ripperdactyls were quite useful. They destroyed many of their warmachines, but the Egg of Quango, was unfortuantly not that good this time around (Hope it will be later though)!

    What I'm trying to say is... This time, I will take a very different list, quite the opposite in fact.
    I want a reliable list, that does not rely only on buffs for being better.

    So.. This is me, trying something different:


    Slann w.
    - Focus of Mystery
    - Forbidden Rod


    Scar Veteran w.
    - Crown of Command
    - Enchanted Shield
    - Dragonbane Gem
    - Light Armour
    - BSB

    Skink Priest (Beast)
    - Dispel Scroll

    Skink Chief w.
    - Ripperdactyl
    - Egg of Quango
    - Spear
    - Light Armour
    - Dragonhelm
    - Shield


    17 x Skink Cohorts w.
    - 2 Kroxigors
    - musican
    - Poison
    (Both units got ld 7, with a cold-blooded ld 8 for rally attempts)

    17 x Skink Cohorts w.
    - 2 Kroxigors
    - musican
    - Poison
    (these two units are placed on either flank, they can clear chaff and act as hammers with TG anvils, denying enemy ranks)

    2 x 12 Skink Skirmisher w.
    - Javelin & Shield


    1 x Bastiladon
    (Placed in the middle, between both templeguard units)

    24 x Temple guards w.
    - Full Command
    - Gleaming Penant
    (for ld 9 slann bunker)

    24 x Temple guards w.
    - Full Command
    - Banner of Discipline
    (This is the bunker the Scar Vet goes in)

    2 x Swarms


    1 x Salamander

    1 x Salamander

    This list provides me with 2 hardhitting and stubborn combat blocks. One with reroll, and the other with ld 9 :)
    They will hit with an initiative of 3, provided by bastiladon in the middle and the skroxigor will help them deny enemy ranks in combat + they provide additional str7 and banner for blood and glory scenario :)

    What do you think? - This list provides a lot of high Str. attacks, from the very beginning, and it does not have to strike last in combat! I may even survive nasty intiativechecks with all my units :D

    EDIT: So I followed the advice from you guys! - And I now have a very versatile army, that may hits with a lot of strength and poison. The bastilladon may either take the Ark or the Solar engine, I will try either out. At least I got the swarms in the list, so I wont have to fint them in later.

    I changed from Wandering Deliberation to Focus of mystery, since it would give me a little more versatility and a "nuke" spell (fiery convocation?)
    Also, I have been playing with Harmonic Convergence and the channeling staff a couple of times.. But haven't had that much luck with it. I have a decent magic defense, with dispell scroll and the "cube of darkness"- spell from Lore of high magic.
    Therefore, I provided my Slann with the Forbidden rod, to improve my magic chances, when the wind of magic is'nt around. (Dont know if I should pick Reservoir of Eldery instead?)

    I think this list has almost everything covered.. What do you guys think? :)
  2. A Steaming Kroak

    A Steaming Kroak Member

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    The second unit of Temple Guard cannot take an Ironcurse Icon - Magic items on unit champ are now limited to weapons.

    I think the list is interesting, against some armies you will present them with two difficult stubborn units to deal with. Against warriors of chaos, however, I think you are just presenting two high point units that can be ground down by superior core chaos warriors. I like the idea of skox units on the flank w/poison, I think they will effectively deal with lots of flanker-type units, although will still struggle against armour (as krox will be quickly killed off). Give it a try, and let us know how it works. It certainly is different, you could be on to something.
  3. Shadoer

    Shadoer New Member

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    Hmm too add on here

    1. BSB Shield

    Erm hate to say it, but I don't think your BSB can take Enchanted Shield as the BSB needs the one hand to hold up the battle standard. Your probably going to have to go with something like the Dragon Helm and throw the Iron Curse on him as well. Then give your Skink Cheif the Enchanted Shield

    2. Skink Priest

    With this list, you are probably better off going with Lore of Beasts instead and casting Wildform for that special 1+ Strength and +1 Toughness which will do wonders for your Temple Guard
  4. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Only the army books written in 6th edition (Brets and Dwarfs) have that rule.

    I think your list idea is really cool. Being the meddling backseat driver that I am I have a suggestion for a tweak though your list as is will probably work fine.

    If I were trying this I would give the Bastiladon between the two TG the Ark of Sotek and make a sandwich deployment wide.

    Skrox TG Swarm Bastilidaon Swarm TG Skrox

    Poisoned attacks for everyone!
  5. Khaluk

    Khaluk Member

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    Thank you for the feedback guys! - I really appreciate it :)

    @ A Steaming Kroak:
    Oh, you are right about the Ironcurse icon, I think I just missed that part in the new book. Will put it on the Scarveteran instead of enchanted shield, as suggested by Shadoer.
    Also, you got a point on the Core Warriors of Chaos being slightly better. That's why I am considering Wandering deliberation instead of Focus of mystery, since it would help me peel and deebuff the enemy, before my units reach Close Combat! :) - I will let you know how it goes!

    @ Shadoer:
    You might just be right about my BSB not being able to wield a Shield, I will change it for the dragonhelm and give him a Halberd instead.

    As for my skink priest.... You got a point, why not make my TG even stronger and harder to kill! With a WD Slann, I could even get 2 Beast Signatures! :)

    @ Scalenex:
    This is a really interesting idea! - I have only had succes with my swarms in our 8th edition book so far, and I really like the "buff" they provide. In my previous "heavy Character" list, they were gold!
    They made sure, that my large saurus block became a big threat across the board. Also, in Synergy with Str 5(or potentially 6) templeguards, my opponent wont have much armour left to save them.
  6. Khaluk

    Khaluk Member

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    I tried to modify my list accordingly to the advices given!
    Will be playing the list on this wedensday, so any further advice or critic would be very appreciated :)

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