8th Ed. Troglodon

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by nathanbomb6, Sep 3, 2013.

  1. Lizardmen_Jeff

    Lizardmen_Jeff New Member

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    if its true...

    SCHWING!!!! :walkingdead:
  2. Lizardmatt

    Lizardmatt New Member

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    Even if it is true, it makes the trog the 3rd best vassal.
    Cloak of Feathers, #1.
    Flying Carpet Priest, #2.
    215 point monster, #3.

    Seriously, if it does get FAQ'd to 360, flying a 20mm base 20" into the middle of the opponent is way, way better than trying to get the monster in position.

    I could see the use in a Kroak + 2 trog, + 2 flying skink priests.
    The Trogs are the back ups for when the priests have been picked off/killed, or if you face a fast shooting army where they don't have a good center mass and you need to spread the love around.

  3. Axolotyl
    Temple Guard

    Axolotyl New Member

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    I intend to use a trig with a heavy basti/swarm list with a mainstay of saurus. Essentially granting multiple poisoned attacks off the saurus, on a chance of 5+ generating another attack. The trog affects himself as well, and working in concert with saurus/swarms he should be able to get a flank charge so again it *should* sway crucial combat my way, anything additional is gravy!

    The fact i can cast through him is a bonus!

    I know that many of you play more competitive than I do, that's fine, but I aim to use him on a flank to make my opponent think twice, its psychology,it looks big, mean and ugly, its probably therefore big mean ad ugly, or possibly just Sylvester Stallone, either way it will put them off!
  4. datalink7

    datalink7 New Member

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    The problem is, currently as written, there is zero conflict for the Army Book to override. Kroak just states that it is a direct damage spell that hits all units in a certain range. There is no conflict between the two. It hits all units in range that a direct damage spell can target (out of combat, in front arc).
  5. Spiney Norman

    Spiney Norman New Member

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    It depends on how you read the text I suppose, the spell description says that it targets ALL units within 12", not all eligible targets within 12". Clearly there is some discrepancy here as there may be units within 12" that are not subject to the usual targeting restrictions of DD spells. So if there is a unit behind you and you do not resolve the effect of the spell you are not fulfilling the states conditions of the spell which requires you to target ALL enemy units within 12". Certainly it could have been worded more clearly (as could a great many things in the book), but it is pretty clear that the intention was a 'starburst' effect from the Slann, or a vassal.
  6. eppe

    eppe Member

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    I already run a Kroak list and I don't see the need for a Troglodon. Skink Priest with Cloak of Feathers will be in position in turn 1. You COULD bring a Flying Carpet Priest for turn 2 or just regular Priests with Dispell/Cube for turns 2 and 3. I call it my "Skink Bomb" list.

    Turn 1: Priest w/ Cloak of Feathers lands in the middle of the enemy line and casts. He'll die.
    Turn 2: One of the Priests in a Skirmisher or Cohort block will be in position. Make sure you use his Dispell/Cube in turn 1 or 2. Nuke away then it dies.
    Turn 3: Last Priest in Skirmisher or Cohort block moves into position, use cube or dispell and then it dies.
    Turn 4: Kroak should be about in range to start casting himself or through Tetto... ALWAYS bring Tetto.

    If Kroak ever gets shut down for any reason cast Comet with Tetto.

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