8th Ed. TG + Scavenpelt + Razor Standard

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by Mr Phat, Aug 25, 2013.

  1. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    so...new puzzle pieces for the Templeguard Deathstar

    Slann takes skavenpelt banner (no longer skink-property)
    Standardbearer in TG takes Razorstandard

    now you have a frenzied, stubborn, ITP armourpiercing S5 unit.

    have anyone tried this?
  2. Tlaxbitza

    Tlaxbitza Member

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    This is a great death-star unit!
    Making sure to give your Slann a Talisman - Magic Resistance (2), will give the Slann plus the unit he is in extra protection form spells.
    I played against High Elves last week and did really well with them.

    My Temple Guard w/ Slann went up against two charges at the same time- A Lord on a Griffon and a White Lion Chariot. But before i got charged, the High Elves Irresistible Forced cast Fiery Convocation on me with leaving me 8 dead TG. After two turns of combat, killing the Chariot and slaughtering the Lord/Griffon, went on to being charged by a unit of Sword Masters. Then beat them down to really low numbers.
    Was able to get off the Fiery Convocation spell on the Sword Master before they charged me, to dwindle there numbers a bit, which helped a little.

    Though with only one game in so far with new book, but with a great win none the less.

    I think more use of this setup will be greatly rewarded by The Old Ones. :D
  3. arcabis

    arcabis Member

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    the frenzy works even if you are not playing vs skaven?
  4. lbisson
    Cold One

    lbisson New Member

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    Absolutely. The Skaven specific part is Hatred(Skaven).
  5. arcabis

    arcabis Member

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    nice and how many TG in the unit? 21 -25? because the slann goes to much points and we need to protect him a little :p
  6. JohanR
    Jungle Swarm

    JohanR New Member

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    Problem is that your frenzy and have to overrun. And this is a huge deal as you will be running after 50p eagles, 80p fast cav or 30p warhounds all game. It's not bad, but it's not good. And if your up against a top player he will abuse your lack of control over said deathstar.
  7. Pofadder
    Cold One

    Pofadder Member

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    I venture to say that those chaff units can be dealt with... if every OnG player can play their savage orc units successfully then we can handle it too :)

    I am going to try the TG with skavenpelt in my next game for sure! Especially if we run a WD slann in that setup...
  8. Lizardmatt

    Lizardmatt New Member

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    I'm a believer that their is no army better at taking out chaff than lizardmen. Skinks are glass cannon chaff kills. Same for Ripperdactyles. Slaan spell options sweep chaff away. Engine of the gods and Bastiladons are all chaff killers. Cowboys and skink chiefs sweep up chaff very effectively too.

    From a strategy standpoint, I think lizards can build a deathstar + chaff/chaff killers and do very well.
    Use our superior chaff to take out their chaff, and then throw the death star into something of value.

  9. Pofadder
    Cold One

    Pofadder Member

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    Some feedback after my 1st game last night trying a 24 strong unit TG with slann + skavenpelt banner.

    Played against OnG and the TG was absolutely beast.

    They bring the pain in a big way. All those attacks works really well with PF. They felt like a real hammer unit to me.
    I backed it up with a WD slann, 35 saurus, 3 x 10 jav skink skirmishers, 1 x 12 cohort, 5 x CoC, laserdon, Ancient Steg, unit of 2 sallies, scroll caddy, scar-vet cowboy etc.

    Even though winds blew really weak for me during mid / late game I found clearing chaff early game magic super effective and I am well impressed with their performance so far...
  10. Tlaxbitza

    Tlaxbitza Member

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    It was a unit of 26 TG w/ Slann.

    Just had my second game in the other night against Vampire Counts with a unit of 30 TG w/ Slann. They did very well going up against a unit of 45 Ghouls in Horde formation. Was doing fairly well until in turn 4 his Vampire Lord on Hellsteed charged me in the flank. After that, his VL and his Ghouls killed many more TG than i could do in return the last two turns. Which caused me to break, late in turn 6 after rolling an 11 and then 10 with a BSB re-roll for leadership. I ended up losing the game. He didn't lose any units and i lost everything except 2 units. My friend did better in the magic phases and made his units dead back to life (dead). lol. He did better at rolls than i could. But, overall a really fun game. I learned allot. Hopefully, will do better next time?
  11. Rocdocta

    Rocdocta New Member

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    I am knocking the awesome of this up a notch and using lord Kroak. now the TG are unbreakable. Ah ha ha ha ha! I could be wrong but with Lord Kroak I now get

    -1 to be hit by anything

    30+10+10+~5 - 4 attacks in horde formation for a total of 51 S5 WS 4 attacks.
  12. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Maybe a weird question, but do you lose frenzy when you break or just the first time you lose to CR?
  13. Asamu
    Temple Guard

    Asamu Well-Known Member

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    You lose frenzy upon losing combat once.

    Note on the banner: Skaven only get hatred against the bearer (AKA: the Slann itself, which is not in B2B with any opposing units)

    If you are going to run this, I would recommend a unit of 32-36 TG. Make that unit as big as you can so it can't be ground down in combat or softened up too much by shooting.

    This would be awesome. The only problems are that Kroak can't be the BSB, you lose frenzy if you lose combat, and with stubborn+ re-rollable 9 CB, you have to be very unlucky to break from combat, which makes unbreakable sort of irrelevant, and he can't buff them with magic, which can effectively do the same as the -1 to be hit or more with single spells (Wyssans, Miasma, Iceshard, Hand of Glory, Earthblood).

    For a 2500 list, this is what I would run (Possibly dropping the Basti for more saurus/skinks)

    1 Slann Mage-Priest (Battle Standard Bearer)
    Dispel Scroll
    Obsidian Amulet
    Ironcurse Icon
    Skavenpelt Banner
    Focus of Mystery
    The Becalming Cogitation
    Soul of Stone

    1 Saurus Scar-Veteran Great Weapon
    Armour of Destiny

    1 Saurus Scar-Veteran Light Armor
    Sword of Might
    Enchanted Shield
    Dragonbane Gem

    1 Skink Priest Beasts
    Cube of Darkness

    36 Saurus Warriors Full CMD Spears

    10 Skink Cohort

    10 Skink Cohort

    10 Skink Cohort

    10 Skink Cohort

    34 Temple Guard Full CMD
    1 Razor Standard

    1 Bastiladon: Ark of Sotek

    5 Chameleon Skinks

    5 Chameleon Skinks

    1 Salamander Hunting Pack,

    1 Salamander Hunting Pack
  14. Pofadder
    Cold One

    Pofadder Member

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    May I ask why an ark of sotek when you are not running swarms?

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    I think using Kroak in a Temple Guard Death Star has merit. That -1 to hit is spectacular, and isn't reliant on getting a spell through. Slann + Temple Guard is nearly unbreakable, but can still be broken via spells such as Doom and Darkness. Being completely unbreakable is a very reliable bonus. Plus Kroak isn't all that expensive, so you could always have a backup skink priest to further buff your unit.

    I'd say Kroak + Temple Guard + Razor Standard for the win!
  16. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    How about a slann with WD. When the unit is in combat casually pop earth blood and have +5 regen on the whole unit? Combine that with Wyssans Wildform (S6 TGs lol), icechard and/or Miasma.

    Just getting Iceshard off on the attacking force along with earth blood will make you almost indestructible and kill alot of shit lol.

    The good thing about a WD is that all/most spells are easy to cast and those I play against are more afraid of Searing Doom and Spirit Leech so it should be fairly doable to get some buffs and hexes off for me.


    I'm going to play a friend who plays with skaven next weekend. So here's my thoughts:

    To drop armour piercing banner since the S5 attacks will blow through most of their AS anyway (?). I consider to use a WD slann and scar vet in the unit (scar vet with sword of striking) which means he'll probably get all of his 5 attacks through unless I'm super unlucky.

    Here's the question though: To go horde or not to go horde? I'm considering 28 TPs which will result in 33 attacks in front rank with champion and scar vet at, followed by another 16 attacks. That is if none of my units die before they get to attack and they actually all can attack and I go horde.

    The best part is that hatred reinforce predatory fighter since every reroll have the potential trigger PF.
    - Additional question: say I reroll the first round of attacks and I trigger PF, can I thus reroll those? o_O
  17. RipperDerek

    RipperDerek Active Member

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    I don't understand your question, but here's how hatred works with Predatory fighter.

    - First, you roll to hit.
    - Then, you re-roll your misses. Each die can only be rerolled once for any reason, after which the result stands.
    - Look at your dice on the table. Every standing 6 generates an extra attack from Predatory Fighter.
    - Now, roll to hit with any and all of your extra attacks. (So if you rolled 3 sixes, roll three extra dice and add them to the total.)
    - If any of those miss, reroll them. The result after reroll stands.
  18. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    That was also what I meant, thanks :)
  19. Zwuppie

    Zwuppie Member

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    Since the 8th edition i've been playing with a aggressive temple guard list! I might write a tactic about my point of view soon, but am not sure! But I often use a unit of 36 temple guard with a Slann w/ High Magic, Dispel combo, re-roll first failed dispel attempt. I give them a flaming banner and swap one spell of the high magic for earth blood.. First spell to cast will be earth blood, many people don't dispel this spell because they think.. it isn't that dangerous! But 3+ AS, 5+ regeneration on temple guard is killing, especially with hand of god! You don't need a frenzy banner at all or armour piercing! Wyssans wildform is enough (Lore of beasts skinks priest with signature) and it won't cost more then 1000 points!
  20. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Would Earth Blood (5+ regen) work again magic that doesn't allow any saves? I'm not quite sure whether or not regen counts as an actual ward save or if we're still allowed to regenerate.

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