Hey everyone! I´ve decided to revamp my warhammer career after almost 10 years of absence. This time as Lizardmen! I used to play skaven. I started things off by purchasing a battalion, the rule book, a skink priest and an old one saurus. What would y'all recommend getting next? And does anyone have any pointers on how to paint bone parts well? (Im thinking about painting my temple guards next, just finished my skinks.) And why does the Lizardmen have so few magic items..? the skaven book has 5 crammed pages worth of magic stuff to pick from ;_; Have an A-one day.
Depends how big of an army you want and how much money you want to spend. Once you get to around 2000 points you are going to want a Slann. The new Bastiladons are pretty good. A Steggy or two wouldn't hurt. It's also hard to have too many Skinks, you can't paint a few as Chamo Skinks if you want to save some money. Salamanders are pretty potent. There are no bad choices in our new book except maybe Troglodons (they LOOK good though). I'd recommend checking out the Tactica Index and seeing what units appeal to your playing style. Or you could go by what looks good. Speaking of looking good, the painting forum is full of great artists and they are friendly and willing to give pointers. All the newer rulebooks have a mere two pages or so of magic items. When the Skaven get their new book they are going to get their list truncated too. I'd recommend you check the Fluff forum for anything written by Spawning of Bob. This particular thread should help you feel good about switching away from Skaven. History's Least Successful Skaven Invasions
Hahaha, awesome skaven lore! I feel much better leaving the rats now! And thank you for the tips on expanding, I guess I will try to play with what I have a few rounds before I buy more. Good to hear that all the units are useable.
Welcome to L-O! Well? I dunno about well, but lately I do a basecoat of brown and then layer up with some drybrushing. So like... Brown Tan Off-White White Something like that. Possibly with a brown wash after to make it look nice. If you don't want to spend that much time painting one part, I'd say do a brown basecoat and put a couple layers of the final color you want on top of it. Should look decent. PS: Sweet sig
Great thanks, ill try it out, got a lot of bones coming my way now that I'm starting to paint my temple guards!