Team Shroom - Fantasy Tale of Painters - Info and FAQ thread

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by Toastee, Apr 27, 2009.

  1. Toastee

    Toastee New Member

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    Woooo! Thank you to the might Stone... err... Sammy, for letting us host our next Tale of Painters here on Lustria!

    A Tale of Team Shroom Gamers.

    What is it?
    Basically, this is just a Team Shroom rip of the White Dwarf version, but with more people and a couple of tweeks. The idea is to paint a 2000 point Fantasy Army over 4 rounds, consisting of 2 months, and 500 points per round.
    Each round there will be a series of points up for grabs for completing each 500 point target. This will be done in a league style set up, hopefully giving us a little bit of friendly competition and incentive. Furthermore there will a prize at the end for the winner, as well as maybe a small TS trophy shield. (You know, the one with the little things on where you can put winner’s names and such.) This will hopefully provide us with more incentive to complete an army and well as taking part in a Team Shroom activity at the same time.

    The structure of a round
    Round kick-off date
    First deadline date
    Second deadline date
    End of Round

    In the new system you are awarded points for building and painting. This is so in the hopes that it will make the league a closer run thing. It also more accurately awards players for the work they put in to their 500 round blocks.

    -Points Gained By Building (PGBB)
    In every round there are two points available for building your models.
    • Full two points are awarded to players who have built their 500 point list entirely within the allocated round time.
    • One point is awarded to those who build more than 50% of their 500 point list with the allocated round time, but yet fail to build 100%
    • One point is awarded to those who include already built models or units that have been built outside of the allocated round time.
    • Zero points are awarded if the player fails to make more than 50% of his 500 point list.
    • Zero points are also awarded if the total number of models that were built outside of allocated round time, in any one round, is 90% or more.

    -Points Gained By Painting (PGBP)
    In every round there are three points available for painting your models.
    • Full three points are awarded to players who fully paint and base their 500 points within the allocated round time.
    • Two points are awarded to players who have painted and based more than 50% of their 500 point lists with the allocated round time.
    • One point is awarded to players who have painted and based more than 25% but less than 50% of their 500 point list.
    • Zero points are awarded to players who do not complete more than 25% of their 500 point lists.

    -Bonus points (BP)
    In every round there is the chance to pick up a single bonus point by making and painting a Special Feature. Details on these can be found on page 100 of the Warhammer rulebook. Or you can just ask me and I’ll tell you what they are.
    Only one special feature can be made in a round. And you cannot make more than one of the same special feature.

    Event schedule
    Round one
    Kick-off: Friday 1st May
    End: 30th June

    All other rounds are to be announced. It is likely that the ToP will be suspended until I return.

    On the topic of fairness and sportsmanship, you aren’t required to take pictures of your sprues before the start of each round. You are however expected not to cheat, bend the rules, or to play out of the spirit of the rules. If you are uncertain of ANY TS-ToP rule, then ask me.


    Q: It says I can use pre made models, but can I include pre painted models?
    A: No, not if they are fully painted and finished. You can include models if they have just been started, or you intend to re-start the paint job. It is best to ask the event runner if the situation occurs.

    Q: What happens if everyone finishes their 500 point lists for that round, do with have to wait till the end of the round before the next one?

    A: Providing everyone currently still running in the ToP finishes their round lists before the end, the round will end and the next one would start a few days afterwards.

    Current Players:
  2. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Hmm looks interesting, I'm not sure I quite get the timeframe though.. Is it 2 months per round (ie 500 points) or 2 months all up for the 2000 points? Or 2 months for 1000 points?

    I have a few things stuck together, and a few started painted in my army, not a whole lot though so this could be interesting. Does it have to be a legal 2k army?
  3. Toastee

    Toastee New Member

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    One thing I should have pointed out, the people involved all know each other and will be taking part in a weekend of gaming at the end, which will be held in Warhammer World. the games will effect league score.

    The timeframe is 2 months for every 500 points. There are 4, 500 point rounds.
    It does have to be a legal 2k army.

    I'd like to let you join, but you'd lose out on a lot of points at the game stage. :/

    That said, if enough non Team Shroom members wanted to run along side it, I could run a seperate league table. Both League tables would have no bearing on each other.
  4. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Ahh right, I didn't realise it was for a specific group of people in one country. Oh well. I'll stick to the 300 point club.
  5. Toastee

    Toastee New Member

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    Nah sorry mate, fault is mine, I should have mentioned it. ^__^;;

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