8th Ed. epic battle VS Tomb Kings

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by hado75, Sep 20, 2013.

  1. hado75

    hado75 New Member

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    Tomb Kings VS Lizardmen

    Scenario: Meeting engagement.
    Swamp: Khemrian quicksand. dangerous terrain
    Ruin: Altar of Kaïn. (frenzy)
    Lizzies: Ice shard
    Tomb Kings: Desiccation
    Ruby ring of fire
    Tomb Kings:
    Banafrit with Destroyer of Eternities (Tomb King)
    Anai with earthing rod (lv2 hierophant)
    38 archers, full command
    3 Necroknights, FC
    Casket of Souls
    3 Stalkers
    5 Archers (added to archer unit

    Lizzies:Old Blood on CO (sword of striking, 1+/4++)
    Scar-Vet on CO (Biting blade, 1+ reroll)
    Priest (heavens) + scroll
    24 SW hw/shield (full command)
    2x 10 skink cohort
    2 x 1 Sallie
    1 x Bastiladon (Blasty)


    Lizardmen Turn one:
    The Oldblood Kicks his heels in the flank of his Mount to burst forward. The Cold One simply ignored that powerful kick and with a stupid glance in his eyes he stumbled forward. The rest of the army moved closer to clear the undead stench that spoils the morning air.
    Magic: The skinks mounting the Blasty (not a Pokémon) charge the beam to torch some undead, but the magic defenses proved to be too strong.

    Tomb Kings Turn 1:
    Banafrit sees his knight perform a quick reform to get a better line up for a charge.
    Magic: Casket opens to suck in some souls, resulting in spirits hitting the Scar-vet on his scaly skin.
    He is able to shrug it off, but the spirits of the casket was not satisfied and jumped to the Sallie causing a wound. Still not having enough it jumped on the Saurus Warriors and killed 6(!!) before finally fading away. It is the presence of the skink priest that prevents a possible panic among the ranks.
    The archers tried to shoot the Sallie, only causing a single mortal wound to one of his handlers.

    Lizardmen turn 2:
    Still feeling uneasy as a result of the casket touching there cold blooded skins. The Scar-vet and the Sallie decide it’s time for lunch and charge those smelly knights.
    The rest of the army speeds forward to meet the undead asap!
    Magic: Finally the Blasty fires a beam at the archerblock. Not completely power-up it only managed to kill three archers. After that the priest tries to weaken the knights with a hex, but the hierophant stops that attempt.
    Close combat: The Sallie and the Scar-vet fight the knights, but one of them lands a precision blow and kills the scar-vet with one swoop…… Frightened but determined the Sallies fight continued….

    Tomb Kings Turn 2:
    Banafrit orders his stalkers to come from below and attack the enemy from the back.
    Like clockwork they show up on the perfect spot. The Hierophant sees the Old blood and decides it’s time to follow the “Skaven way of life” and moves out of the archerblock to “lead from behind”!
    Magic does nothing special.
    Shooting: The archers aim their arrow at the Lone Sallie and transform it into a hedgehog…..
    The Stalker take a good look at the Bastiladon and turn it into sand!
    Close combat: The Sallie is lost its appetite and as a result it lost its life.

    Lizardmen turn 3:
    The Oldblood sees his army take heavy casualties and decides to take matters into his own hands! He charges the archers with his mind set on killing them dead!
    The Skinks on his left decide to follow his example, but just came short. The Skinks in the backfield decide that it’s time to become immortal and rush their tiny feet to put the hurt on those Bastiladon killers.
    Magic: Feeling the determination of his general the priest pushes trough a spell that weakens the skeletons in combat.
    Combat: The Old blood cools his rage with smacking some bones around. In return the skeletons just cannot land a hit against this raged beast. Not even their king manages to wound him.
    On the other side of the battlefield the fight between the skinks (chasing’ an immortal dream) and those Bastiladonkillers ended in the advantage of the dream chasers. The stalkers were so surprised with the ferocious little guys that they fluffed their attacks big time… After combat the Stalkers decide to make this personal and face their enemies.

    Tomb Kings turn 3:
    Even in mid-fight Banafrit sees bones being crushed all around him. And he screams his commands.
    The knights respond and line up to take those Saurus Warriors down.
    Magic: The hierophant tries to boost a difficult spell, but just came short and also the casket could not do anything.
    Close combat: The OldBlood decides it’s time take out the king and moves in for the kill. More adapt to the OldBlood way of fighting Banafrit responds by perfectly evading every swing.
    He orders his skeletons to reform into more ranks and they close ranks behind him.
    On the other side of the table the little skinks keep putting the hurt on the stalkers and manage to kill one of them. The stalkers also kill one of the skinks and the fight continues….

    Lizardmen turn 4:
    Seeing the tactical movement of Banafrit the skinks on the left again try to charge those skeletons and manage to crash into the flank. The Saurus warriors in the center are free from that Khemrian quicksand and march to the front. The priest has a brainfart and moves out of the protective sphere of this block and wanders off alone. The determination to stop those knights from charging is to be seen in his eyes. The lack of tactical insight in his positioning…..
    Close combat: The skinks fighting along the oldBlood manage to put some sounds on the skeletons but are surprised with the (joint) flexible movement they display, with their king in their ranks.
    Like a true acrobat Banafrit again manages to evade every attack the OldBlood swings at him.
    The fight in the middle continues with the skink putting the hurt on the stalkers (They live the dream they were after!), although the Stalkers are gaining strength.

    Tomb Kings Turn 4:
    The knights laugh at the attempt of the skink priest to stop their attack and charge those saurus warriors in the back. The hierophant sees the lone priest en decides it’s time to reward that tactical choice with a one way trip to oblivion.
    Magic: The hierophant unleashes the magic power in his ring and turns up the heat on his cold blooded opponent. Resilient as he is, the priest evades most of the damage and clings onto life….
    The casket proves too much for his weakened body and it ends his pain.
    Close combat:
    The skinks fighting with the OldBlood synchronize their speed and kill 5 archers. The Oldblood finally manage to cause a wound on the king, but the king returned the favor by hitting him hard. Hard enough to kill him on the spot (HKB), but his ward saves the day.
    The knights see their champion challenged by the champion of the saurus warriors. This fight is over quickly and the knight emerges victorious. The other knight manages to kill three other Saurus warriors on his own. In the end the Saurus reformed to stare death in his face!
    The other battle keeps raging but the rage is leaking out of the skinks and they barely manage to draw this round….But take another Stalker down. One left to achieve their immortal dream!

    Lizardmen turn 5:
    The battles continue, but the gods of war figured it’s time to speed things up!
    The skinks fighting the Stalkers become fatigued and lose their fight for the first time, but manage to hold the line.
    The knights and Saurus warriors exchange blows. Killing 5 Saurus warriors and a knight in the process.
    The epic fight between the two rules goes into overdrive. Skinks in the flank are continuing their spree and kill another 4 skinks. The OldBlood wounds the king twice and even the Cold one eats some bones. The gods of war see the undead unit crumble big time after this heavy blow!
    Only the command models remain.

    Tomb Kings turn 5:
    The fights continue and the last thing Banafrit and his unit see before receiving the final blow is that the fight of the dream chasers on the other side of the battlefield ends in a nightmare for them.

    Lizardmen turn 6:
    The old Blood rushes for his next victim and charges the casket head on.
    The skinks sharpen their javelins to take out the lone hierophant.
    Shooting: Throwing their javelins ends the undead “life” (?) of the hierophant.
    Her binding magic loses its grip on the army and sees the lone knight turn to ashes.
    Close Combat: The Old Blood wastes not a single strike and rips the casket apart.
    The casket explodes and the blast wounds the old blood and takes out 5 skinks….

    This ends the game in a hard fought win in favor of the lizardmen………

    Hope you liked this report.
    Feedback on everything is more then welcome!
  2. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Not many models left on the board! That is pretty epic.
  3. A Steaming Kroak

    A Steaming Kroak Member

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    Looks like a fun game. Congrats on the win, and great report!
  4. Chameleon
    Jungle Swarm

    Chameleon New Member

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    It was a fun game , really enjoyable.

    Even though the end score seemed far apart it was a pretty close game shifting front and back.

    Only through this report (and hindsight) it seems that i would be better off not to reform my archer block so the skink would have to charge the front. Then i could bring more attacks against them. Furthermore i could have left the hiero in the archer block for the 6+ regen. I could challenge with champion and next rounds with king to keep the oldblood off my hiero.

    I forgot the curse of the king and that constructs crumble -1 for that last necroknight, meaning it would still be alive with 1 wound left.
  5. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    Good report, good outcome.

    Chameleon never stood a chance even with his sneaky spying on the wisdom of the old ones.

    The TK obviously had some pretty insane weapon skill. Did that get applied to his own unit?

    I was surprised at just how well the skink cohort contributed in the combat with the archers, especially if the skellies had boosted weapon skill. The old blood would have smashed them eventually, but the extra combat res from flank and skink kills would have accelerated things somewhat.

    Keep us posted on the campaign.

  6. hado75

    hado75 New Member

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    Thanks guys!

    I was surprised as wel with that skink cohort...
    Hitting on 4+ wounding on 4+ (no save) VS hitting on 3+ (kings WS) and wounding on a 3+ (T2 skinks....)
    Statistics would have predicted otherwise... ;)

    We forgot that killing the king would trigger: Kings curse and that could have changed things......(maybe).....

    @SoB: Reading the wisdom is not the same as understandig it ;)

    I'm planning on making a thread to follow the campaign. All of mine and Most of the Battles between my opponents will be in there....(A great way to sharpen my skills in reporting and working with battlechronicler)
    It wil be placed in the battlereport section....

  7. Sanfo22

    Sanfo22 New Member

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    Awesome batrep love the format and display feels like I can truly watch it unfold right infront of me. Also sounds like great game love it when both sides have alot of deaths. Keep em comming cant wait for more.
  8. Frott
    Jungle Swarm

    Frott New Member

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    Nice report

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