just thinking that in the rule book it says that stubborn is on unmodified leadership test so does that mean no cold blood roles or am i missing something cause combined that would be really great for us but it feels kinda cheap so i was guessing that it was
unmodified just means you can't use the general's ld or any other modifiers. but you still get cold blooded.
Yeah cold blooded works with stubborn, stubborn just means + or - modifiers, not only generals leadership but the leadership of a non-stubborn character in the unit (you choose whether you want his higher modified leadership or the lower stubborn) and negative modifiers from combat res. Cold blooded is fine.
so if you take the horn and put characters on coldones in all your units you have a stubborn army with coldblooded this might be why the horn costs so much
Oh wow I didn't consider terradons as being cavalry, that is a cool little boost. Unfortunately, terradons and cold ones are in the same special slot so you are limited to 4 stubborn units for your 100 points.
yes but as i said if you put a hero on a cold one in a unit of saurus warriors then they become stubborn like the hero so your units of stubborn just increased dramatically
I thought heroes didn't transfer their stats to the unit? EDIT: nevermind. a hero (effectively) transfers his stubborn to the unit, big book pg 78-79