So I'm still a pretty average painter, and I still have a lot to learn. I recently signed up for my first tournament, so I wanted my Cold Ones to really stand out for the tournament. I went for a pretty non-standard paint scheme based on the Tokay gecko. Hope you like it! Here's how they turned out. They're still a work in progress, but you'll get a good idea of how they will look.
They look good! I think from there I'd try to lighten up the orange spots to a more vibrant brighter colour, more in keeping with the gecko you showed.
The colour combination really works, they look really good imo. I might take some of those colours as inspiration for a Bastiladon or something if you dont mind...
Huh, haven't really thought about blue Cold Ones with white bellies, they look really good! The spots are definitely a nice touch, but I agree with Moniker on their brightness: a touch with brighter orange would really make them pop.
That paint scheme looks good (but I'm biased when it comes to blue/orange schemes), but like other have said, the orange needs to be a bit brighter and orangey. Keep up the good work and take pics when you make some more progress!
Not only the orange, but all the colors. I think you need to highlight everything--the blues, browns, reads and and purples included. Look at the lizard you are using for inspiration--it's lighter in color than your models. That being said, really unique and cool scheme, and so far they are very cleanly painted.
Thanks for the advice and kind words, all. Still figuring out the ins and outs of highlighting, so I was going to see what kind of response they would get initially. But yeah, I'll definitely be working on these guys more. Use away. I certainly don't own the color scheme! (And btw, it'd look pretty awesome on a Bastilodon, imo.)
You picked an apt lizard for inspiration, the tokay gecko is a complete bugger for vicious biting, screaming, belligerence and tenacity.....I had one of them hanging on to me for an hour once, it wouldn't let go..... As for colours try a nice highlight in temple guard blue and bring the orange up to fuegan orange and i think you have a winner!
I really really like the inspiration you chose. As the above stated before me, the Tokay gecko can be a nasty little guy. That having been said I think you did a great job but as others have said, some more brightness would go a very long way. Keep up the good work!