Hello fellow lizardmen

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Sanfo22, Sep 23, 2013.


To learn WHFB at 1500pts is it better to have?

  1. Slann

    2 vote(s)
  2. Old Blood

    3 vote(s)
  1. Sanfo22

    Sanfo22 New Member

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    Hello all,

    I've been playing 40k for about 5 years now and now going to take a dive into Fantasy and since I love the lizardmen models was an easy decision for me.

    So here I am posting to a new forum all excited to not play Tau and Blood angels for a while and concentrate on a whole new format. I was not a bandwagon Tau player I was the guy who lost a lot of games then the new book came out and very quickly got annoyed of the complaints after the release.

    So where to start here, I picked up the book and the battle box and wondering which direction to go. As a blood angel player at heart the Old Bloods look like rock stars to me. The posts i'm seeing are leaning towards the Slann. So to start this army I have a group of players willing to teach me once I get to 1500 pts. Well that's because they have pre-made lists and want to feel good stomping a new comer I guess but i'm going to try and make that short lived.

    So Lustria at 1500pts to learn WHFB is it better to run an Old Blood or Slann?? my group plays vamp counts, ogres, beastmen and high elves.

    And before I go PLEASE tell me there is a use for a mounted Carnosaur that model amazing!!!!!!
  2. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    Slann all the way. Oldblood is cool and all, but we also have Scar-Veterans which more than fill that role without cutting into your points allowance for Lords. And now Scar-Vets can rock the Carnosaur, so why even bother with an Oldblood at this level of play? Carnosaur has a use, but keep in mind that you'll probably lose it a lot. I haven't had one game where mine has survived the whole battle. It's rider though, that's a different story.

    Coming from Blood Angles I can see why you're antsy for close combat glory, but trust me. The Scar-Vet is plenty powerful for 1500 points. I'd say they're one of the best combat-hero choices in the game. Check out the Tactica thread for some sweet Scar-Veteran builds.

    And welcome to LO!
  3. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Welcome. The Tactics forum should be a good place to get started.

    I voted for Oldblood above. Note, once you get to 2000 points you'll want a Slann.

    Carnosaurs are okay but that's dicey trying to fit one in at 1500 points as well. A 2000 point list can take a Slann AND a Carnosaur if you give your Carnosaur to a Scar Veteran.

    The Carnosaur is very good at what it does, but it suffers from being a little too specialized. Slann by contrast, are versatile.

    Carnsoaurs are great at killing multi-wound models but their Achilles heels are cannons, rock lobbers, and scream attacks (vampire counts only). They can also get stuck in tarpit units. A tar pit is a unit of weak infantry fielded in very high numbers. They rarely break due to having Steadfast. Of the four armies you mentioned, a Carnosaur will probably help against Beastmen more. High Elves don't have a lot that can easily kill a Carnosaur but they have relatively few targets tough enough to require a Carnosaurs might (and most of those targets tough enough to warrant a Carnosaur are flyers and can dodge said Carnosaur).

    After checking out the Tactics forum, you may want to check out the fluff forum. Everything written by Spawning of Bob is a hoot. Also, you can go here to get a custom avatar if you want
  4. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Yea at 1500, I'd take an Oldblood and a Skink Priest. :smug:
  5. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Just a few minutes ago, a forumite posted a Carnosaur Tactica if that would interest you...

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