8th Ed. Can I do anything vs terrorgheist?

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Carnosaur Nr1, Sep 23, 2013.

  1. Carnosaur Nr1

    Carnosaur Nr1 Member

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    I dont really like death shriek its so insane.
    Does it really work when my unit is in close combat and the terrorghiest is not in close combat with me but he has line of sight?
    And can it really fly 20 without any punishment?
    Does anyone have any saves agianst this one?
    How do I kill it?
  2. DeRailed_612
    Jungle Swarm

    DeRailed_612 New Member

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    Stand & shoot with Javelins. Or use magic missiles/direct damage spells.
  3. Carnosaur Nr1

    Carnosaur Nr1 Member

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    Couldnt he just fly over and kill every unit of skinks and fly away again?
  4. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    We have no perfect counters but we have some okay counters.

    Skink Shooting: Lots of poisoned shots can bring them down. The problem is Skinks are vulnerable to Scream Attacks and Terror Tests with their low Ld but it's better to have Skinks screamed at then our dinosaurs.

    Solar Engine: A good way to put nasty flaming hits on these guys, but of course the Bastiladon itself is vulnerable to Scream Attacks

    Carnosaur: A Carnosaur will rip apart a Terrorgheist in close combat but until they get into close combat they are vulnerable to Scream Attacks (see a pattern).

    Magic: Spirit Leech is pretty potent against the Terrorgheist's Ld 4. Uranon's Thunderbolt and Chain Lightning do nice damage, boosted Shem's Burning Gaze will work even better.

    Kroxigor: When my Kroxigor fight Terrorgheists the Kroxigor win. The hard part is catching them in close combat before they scream apart half the army. Temple Guard with the Flaming Banner do well too but have even greater difficulties catching their foe.

    Cowboys: You want to give your Cowboys a unit of Cold Ones for a modicum of defense but a Saurus character packing a great weapon should be able to take a Terrorgheist down.

    I loathe Terrogheists....
  5. GCPD

    GCPD Active Member

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    Yes it may target units in close combat that it itself is not engaged in.

    It can't Fly 20" unless the General is within 12": otherwise its limited to 10" Fly (Undead cannot march without Vampiric Special Rule or within 12" of the General).

    No armour saves are permitted. Presumably Ward and Regeneration saves are.

    Its pretty nasty, but ultimately its a T6 W6 monster with low Leadership and only a 6+ Regeneration. Skinks will have a field day with it. One good Spirit Leech will take it off.
  6. ZaGreekie
    Chameleon Skink

    ZaGreekie Active Member

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    yep, one of my team has a list with 12 shrieks, and there is nothing i can do. i just don't play vs that list any more as lizardmen there is really nothing we can do.

    the one interesting thing is i think the spell shield will rebound the shrike back onto the one who did the shrieking.
  7. Carnosaur Nr1

    Carnosaur Nr1 Member

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    I like the bastiladon but the hard part is to get in the spell without the vampire count dispelling it
  8. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I'm reading Spellshield right now, it says "Magic Resistance 1" The old army book had something like that, but it only applied to magic missiles.
  9. eppe

    eppe Member

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    Terradon's with bolas.

    Honestly my primary opponent is VC and brings a Terrorgheist every game. I try not to waste units on it unless I know I can do significant damage. Focus on smashing his other units imo.
  10. Lizardmatt

    Lizardmatt New Member

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    Having recently turned lizard from vampires, I ran screams fairly often (it's the only range attacks at all).
    Taking the banner of Discipline for the LD10 really cuts down on the damage the screaming does.
    Larger units of cheaper models is a good idea (as a 5 point skinks dies just as fast as the 14 point temple guard, or the 300 point engine of the gods).

    A wandering deliberation slaan is going to give them fits.
    Between a Bastiladon or two, and a boosted searing gaze, the terrorghiest is at risk of dying in a single phase.
    Keep characters in units until the scream threat is neutralized (or just keep them in units the whole time).

    You'll want a couple of fast heroes with cheap magic items. 2 chiefs + 2 cowboys will cover the ethereal problem just fine.
  11. Lizardmatt

    Lizardmatt New Member

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    12 Shrieks? How's that?
    You can get 2 on a lord (Strigoi with magic blade riding terrorghiest), 2 terrorgheists as rares, 6 banshees as heroes. At 2500, you can also squeeze in an 11th scream into rares, by taking a unit of wraiths, and upgrading 1 to banshee unit champ.
    To get the 12th, you'd need another banshee hero, which means games > 2640 points.

    Even with 12 screams, Slaan + Banner of Discipline is a solid counter. Banshees are rolling 2D6+2, and need to beat 10.
    In a list with so many screams, you're opponent has totally given up on his magic phase, and doesn't have much in the way of melee either.
    The 5 to 6 scream list is much more deadly, as it still packs a punch and a solid magic phase.

  12. ZaGreekie
    Chameleon Skink

    ZaGreekie Active Member

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    In hind sight it must have been around 8

    3 banches in units of zombies which by turn 2 where about 70 zombies each.
    2 terrorghiests
    and a unit of wraith i beleve

    It felt like it may as well have been 20 tho :p

    The issue i find is not nesisaraly making a list to counter this, but its hard enough to make a competitive tournoment quality lizardmen TAC list with the new codex, and the closest you can get is the exact oposite of what you want to take VS a VC army with Shrieks.

    All he does is leave your TG and Slann alone for a bit at the begining and destorys all of your supporting units, and once they are all abliterated which is normaly around turn 2 or 3 then he just focuses everything on your bunker.

    And even on LD10
    Terrorghieste is 2D6 + 6 which on avridge will be 14 which is 4 dead TG right there, now count there is 2 of them thats 8 dead TG per turn just from thoes 2 Shrieks. and in all honesty how many TG do you bring? 20? 26 is you really want a inpenitrable bunker...

    that means after 2 turns your TG are down to
    4 left if there was 20
    10 left if there was 26

    Sure TG are BEASTS but 4 temple guard will struggle to survive even 1 round of combat vs skeletons.

    And if they do kill all your TG then you are lossing combat by ALOT considering ranks banner charge ETC etc and you will be checking on Double 1's and IF you fail your slann dies instantly as he is probably also the BSB.

    there is a real reason why in all international tournaments like ETC in Europe, Vampire counts army's are Caped to only allow a maximum of 2 Shrieks and only 1 may be a Terrorghiest if memory serves.
  13. Lizardmatt

    Lizardmatt New Member

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    Shriek has a range of 8".
    Terrorgheists can't fly 20" if the general isn't within 12".
    Terrorgheists have a HUGE base. It's very tough to fly behind things and scream.

    The LD10 bubble reduces the damage quite a bit. If you have multiple units, you can spread out just a little bit and force those terrorghiests to be either out of range, or in front arc.
    Terrorghiests do not have to stand off against lizardmen. Out shooting is too effective, and a chief on ripper with an egg and murder it in 1 round.

    Mortis Engines are the bigger threat. Those pulses slaughter our chaff, and the 5+ regenerate bubble is a nightmare to fight through.

    Wandering Deliberations is good, as you're always packing a 2D6 S6 flaming magic missile.


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