I don't think i've seen this question come up. Can the terradons drop their rocks on units in combat?
i believe i saw this question earlier and as long as they fly over them it seems to be ok don't get me wrong this is not official
Probably not. Considering most effects specify that they can hit units in combat if they can, I would say the common sense default is "No". Whether you follow common sense or not is up to you and your gaming group.
Hmm thats another interesting question. It is not a missile weapon, I am not sure if there are rules defining whether special attacks like that can target combats. By the strict wording, it just says if you fly over a unit you can drop rocks on them, so yes, but I wouldn't play it like that. Probably more effective to not do that anyway, since units in combat can't panic.
I ran into this problem in a recent game against brettonians. i had some pegasus knights running through some groups of skinks. i thought i might be able to take some of the pegasi out so the skinks could deal with them. i don't remember what this is from but i thought there was something that could "something" into combat but it might hit either side of the combat. i see the point that it's not missle attacks which can't go into combat. can non-magic missle spells go into combat if it doesn't say so? i see it both ways. *sigh* wow, what a disjointed post
Yeah, there are spells that can effect things in close combat but it usually is with radius of effect spells. Like if something says "all units within 2d6 are effected", I would take that to mean yes units in CC are effected, friend and foe alike. "All enemy units within.." would hit enemies in CC. But in the event where you pick your target, it is always safe to assume you can't pick one locked in combat, unless the spell or effect specifies. Or if the spell says something like "the only targetting restriction is you must have LOS to the model", implying other normal targetting restrictions do not apply. "i don't remember what this is from but i thought there was something that could "something" into combat but it might hit either side of the combat." This would be from the dastardly skaven, who are allowed to shoot into CC. A roll of 4+ hits the enemy, anything below that hits friendlies. I seem to recall this being used as the method of randomizing hits between units in CC in other instances as well. If you do decide to let your terradons attack into combat, at least play it somewhat fair and randomize in this way. That is, until the FAQ comes out that says, "what would make you think you could lob BOULDERS into close combat? Are there skaven riding your terradons?"